No Good Deed

No Good Deed

“Why am I even doing this?” Queisha asked herself, shaking her head as she stared down at the package, sitting on the bed in front of her. It was a good question, really, even if she technically knew the answer to it.

She was being nice, mostly, trying to be a good babysitter. In all honesty, just like her charge was a little too old to be babysat, she was a bit too old to be a babysitter, making it somewhat awkward for everyone involved, so she was probably trying too hard to compensate for that.

If she hadn’t broken up with her boyfriend, who she was living with, if she hadn’t lost her job, if she hadn’t been forced to move back in with her mother, if she had been more proactive about finding a real place to work, she wouldn’t be here, wouldn’t even be contemplating this. All of that had happened, however, so here she was, very possibly about to make things more awkward, rather than fixing the problem.

It wasn’t even that big of an issue, really; Lily was fourteen, which wasn’t a terribly uncommon time for it to start again, from what Queisha had read. Of course, she’d never dealt with it personally, and, to be honest, if she were one of Lily’s classmates, she probably would have made fun of her if she’d found out, but the girl didn’t need to know that part.

If Lily would have just accepted her problem, and dealt with it accordingly, it would have been fine… Queisha probably wouldn’t even have had to watch her, although that would have required her to look harder for a real job, or find a different babysitting gig. The teen couldn’t be trusted to put her ‘nighttime panties’, as her mother so diplomatically called them, on for the night, so she needed somebody to ensure that happened, and, since Queisha was there, it was better to have her cook supper for the girl as well. She was a sweet girl, and cute as a button, but Queisha wouldn’t have trusted her to use the stove on her own… She was too easily distracted.

Queisha couldn’t blame Lily for disliking the fact she still had to have a babysitter, despite being old enough that she could probably have done it herself, or for getting upset whenever Queisha came into her room at night and lifted her nightshirt to ensure she was properly attired for bedtime. Queisha had tried just asking her, but her charge had lied enough times that she had no choice other than to check for herself.

Really, Lily had herself to blame for most of that, although Queisha still couldn’t help feeling bad for the girl, so, to be nice, she’d cooked up this plan, even gone out and bought what she needed… Now, however, when the time had come to put it into action, she was having second thoughts. Was Lily actually going to buy this, or would she see right through it? To be fair, even if she did, she might appreciate the lengths Queisha was going to, in order to make her feel better, so that might be just as well…

And Lily had been through a tough day, so it was a good time to do it. Kiara, one of the most popular – and meanest – girls in her grade was dropping hints that she knew Lily’s big secret, and was going to tell everyone. Queisha had actually babysat Kiara, back when she’d been a teenager herself, and tried telling Lily that the girl was probably just trying to make her nervous, that there was no way she could have figured it out, since she hadn’t been over to Lily’s house, that even if she had summer vacation was merely days away and everyone would forget by the time school started again in the fall, but the teen was still upset.

Queisha had done her best to convince Lily that her ‘nighttime panties’ were totally normal, that nobody should care what she was wearing anyway – except her mother and Queisha before she went to bed – so, really, it would have been hypocritical of her to back out of her plan now. They probably weren’t that bad, anyway, right? If Lily could sleep in them every night, she could last one afternoon…


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Sweet Baby

Sweet Baby

Fawn hadn’t even really wanted to come here at all… Honestly, she was old enough that she shouldn’t have had to. “They’ll all love to see you,” her mother had told her.

That might be true, but Fawn really couldn’t have cared less about seeing them. She’d gotten through the last twenty years or so without doing so; why start now? What did she have to talk to these people about, other than how small she’d been as a baby, when the majority of them had most recently met her?

It was family, though, and, more importantly, her mother hadn’t really given her much of a choice. Sure, she’d technically asked if she wanted to go, but after Fawn had told her no, several times, she’d ignored it, and kept talking about what they were going to do while they were there, who all they were going to visit before the big reunion.

They were all going to be at that, so Fawn wasn’t sure why they had to go out of their way to see some of them beforehand. The more she heard, the less she wanted to go, until, finally, she decided that, whether her mom liked it or not, she was staying home. It was fine… She could ‘look for a job’ some more, although, so far, that had just consisted of her hanging out in the living room while her mom was at work, and she could keep an eye on the house so nobody tried to break in or anything.

It didn’t work out quite as well as she’d hoped… When her mother asked if she was excited for the trip, Fawn very clearly answered, “I’m not going,” on more than one occasion; her mom warned her, the night before they left, that she was going to be getting Fawn up early the next morning so they could get started, to which the girl reminded her, yet again, “I’m staying here…”

Fawn was woken up, bright and early, anyway, with breakfast already made and waiting for her. “Mom, I told you, I’m not going,” she whined, trying to roll over and go back to sleep.

“Get out of bed, Fawn, this little joke isn’t funny anymore. You need to eat so when can get moving,” her mother shook her gently by the shoulder.

“I’m not joking,” Fawn huffed. “I’ve told you, over and over, I don’t want to go on this stupid trip, and I’m not going to… I’m twenty-two, mom, you can’t make me do anything…”

That had, finally, done it. “If you want to continue staying here, doing nothing with your degree, not even bothering to look for somewhere to work, you’ll do as I say,” her mom informed her icily. “I’ve already told your family you’re going to go see them, and I’m not going to let you make a liar out of me.”

“But, Moooom,” Fawn whined, “I’m not even packed, I don’t…”

“That’s your problem,” the woman shrugged. “I’ve given you plenty of time to get that done… I guess you’ll just have to hope your cousin has something you can borrow.”

Fawn wrinkled her nose at the thought of having to rely on the wardrobe of someone else, someone she’d never met, who was a couple years younger than her, whose style she knew nothing about. For all she knew, they weren’t even close to the same size! “Can I just..?” she started, finally, to head for her suitcase, to throw a few things in.

“You can get dressed and come eat,” her mother responded. “We’re already behind schedule because you’ve decided to argue with me. Come on, let’s go!”

Fawn stared at her incredulously, seeing the woman stand there, arms crossed, not moving, clearly expecting her to do as she was told right then and there. “Would you..?!” Fawn huffed, pointing at the door. When she didn’t move, Fawn frowned, rolled her eyes, and stomped over to her closet, where she was forced to strip out of her pajamas facing her watching mother, remembering the state of her panties, and not wanting to turn around and let her see those instead.

She’d been sure this trip would be terrible, but this was only going to make it all worse; she was in a bad mood the whole, long drive there, up until they, at last, reached her cousin’s house. Immediately, she was impressed, having expected some tiny little place where her and her mother would be cramped and uncomfortable… Instead, it was huge, and beautiful, and, when her cousin came to the door, she not only looked to be around the same size as Fawn, her clothes were pretty cool and fashionable, the sorts of things Fawn could actually see herself wearing.

It was kind of hard to accept that this girl, Kendra, was not only around Fawn’s age, but slightly younger than her. She looked, and sounded, so mature, which she clearly had to be, to have made enough money to afford all this by now, when Fawn was still staying with her mom, doing her best to put off finding a job for as long as she could get away with it. The guest room that she led Fawn’s mother to was bigger than the master bedroom back home, and very nicely furnished; for the first time, Fawn was excited for this trip, if only because she was certain her own room would be just as fancy.

Once her mom was out of the way, however, Kendra immediately began to apologize. “There’s been a bit of a mix-up, I’m afraid,” she blushed, for the first time really making Fawn feel like she could be the older of the two. “All everyone would tell me about you was what a sweet baby you were, so I assumed… Well…”

She pushed open the door to Fawn’s room for the trip, revealing a crib and a set of bunk beds, as well as a floor littered with stuffed animals and baby toys. After the room they’d just dropped her mom off at, it was something of a gut punch, as Fawn stared around, in shock. Did Kendra really expect her to stay here?!

“Nobody could remember exactly how old you were, so I got both,” she gestured from the crib to the bed. “And I wasn’t sure if you’d like the top or bottom bunk better, so I just had them put up the whole thing, just in case.”

“I can just use the bed,” Fawn said, more to herself than her cousin, trying to calm herself down. “It’s no big deal… But my mom didn’t let me pack anything, so I’m going to have to borrow some clothes from you. Do you have any pajamas I could wear?”

Kendra blushed. “Well… I have some other bad news for you…”


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“H-Hello?” Moriko looked into the classroom, half-expecting to find nobody there, despite having been told, specifically, to show up. It had been quite surreal, walking through the empty halls, knowing that she was one of quite possibly only two people here, when, usually, the place was bustling with activity.

If she’d been more involved in clubs, then maybe she would have been more used to it… Then, at least, she might have been around while there were fewer other people, to kind of ease her into this; she usually just went straight home after classes, however, so this was even more unusual for her. She was pretty sure anyone would have found it strange, though, that no clubs would still be meeting this late at night…

Part of her had suspected it was a joke, anyway, that, after all the trouble she’d went through to convince her mother she wasn’t going out to some wild party the night before graduation, she’d just find the doors locked, and would either have to slink home, or maybe go hang out in a convenience store and munch on some snacks until she was ready to go back. According to the text message she’d received, she wasn’t supposed to tell anyone where she was going, or why – not that she knew – so she’d had to make up a story about meeting her friend, Hitome, to help calm her nerves before tomorrow morning.

Really, Moriko was the one whose nerves needed a break, since her grades weren’t much better than the other girl’s. She hadn’t heard anything saying she wouldn’t be graduating the next day, so she thought, for sure, that she’d made it, but she also hadn’t actually been told that, either, so she was definitely on edge. She was certain Hitome was, too.

To her surprise, the girl was sitting there, waiting for her, in the classroom, wearing her gym uniform, just like Moriko, as the message had told her to do, although Moriko had worn a skirt over the bloomers, and just taken it off and put it in her locker. Almost as if her cover story had come true, Hitome did, indeed, look anxious, looking over at the door as if its opening had shocked her. “Moriko?” she gasped, cheeks turning pink while she shifted in her seat, turning her attention towards the front of the class, towards the teacher’s desk.

“Yes,” a voice answered from that direction. “This is your opponent.”

Moriko turned as well, feeling instantly more nervous at the sight of Ms. Hayashi sitting there, staring back at her. She was, probably, the last teacher Moriko wanted to see right now – or, possibly, ever again – which was likely the same for Hitome. It was strange that she’d asked them to come here, to the health classroom, rather than her own math classroom, which made the whole situation even more bizarre.

“What do you mean, opponent?” Moriko asked.

“If only you’d gotten here on time,” Ms. Hayashi shook her head. “I’ve already started to explain it to your friend here, and, as you know, I despise having to repeat myself.”

“I’m sorry,” Moriko blushed. “I-I just had some trouble getting away from home, and…”

“I also dislike excuses,” the teacher cut her off. “But you knew that, too, didn’t you? And that never stopped you from making plenty of those about why you were doing so poorly in my class, just like your friend… Sometimes I wonder, if you’d spent as much time studying as coming up with excuses, could you have passed?”

Moriko’s eyes widened, her knees weakening, forcing her to sit at one of the desks. “D-Did I not?” she whimpered. Her mother was going to be so disappointed in her…

“Well, we’ll see,” Ms. Hayashi smirked. “As I was telling Hitome, I haven’t submitted my final grades yet… I guess I’ve been procrastinating, too. I’ve told the principal how many third years passed the course, so he knew how many diplomas he needed, but not their names… So, he has a diploma for one of you, and only one.”

Moriko gulped. “Wh-Which one?” She glanced over at Hitome, hoping that, despite her friendship with the girl, she was the one who wouldn’t be walking across the stage the next day.

“If I wanted, I could fail both of you, though that would mean putting up with the two of you again next year… One will be quite enough. As to which one that will be, well, that’s up to you two. Come here.” She opened a cabinet, pulling out two things Moriko didn’t recognize at first, although, as she nervously approached the desk, she realized what they were, and why they were in this classroom.

“What are these for?” she asked, looking down at the thing in her hands.

“You really do need another year here, don’t you?” Ms. Hayashi mocked. “Maybe I should just pass Hitome right now.”

“N-No!” Moriko shook her head, looking over to see her friend stripping out of her bloomers and panties and putting on the thing she’d just taken. Moriko bit her bottom lip, glancing back at the teacher for a long moment before following suit, confused, but determined not to just give up.

“Now,” Ms. Hayashi said, “you are going to prove how much you really want to graduate… Because, whoever loses right now will be failing, and seeing me again next year. And, if that girl wants a shot at graduating then, she will be wearing these to my class every day. Well… Not these, exactly. I’ll have some much thicker ones for you then, since you’ll be using them all day, with only a change, from me, at lunch at after school, but I wanted to see which one of you would need them first, to get just the right size.”

Moriko blushed, just like Hitome beside her. Having to repeat her final year was bad enough, but doing it in these things – in diapers – would be positively horrifying. There was no way Ms. Hayashi could make them do that… Could she?

“Since you were late, Moriko, you will be pooping your pants, while Hitome wets herself. Whichever one of you finishes first wins, and gets to walk across that stage tomorrow. The other… doesn’t.” Ms. Hayashi stared the two of them in the eye, making Moriko squirm, and think twice about doubting what the woman was capable of. “And if you think you can outsmart me by not participating, or trying to win at the same time, just know that a tie means you both lose; I’d rather not deal with you both again, but if that’s what I have to do, then so be it. The principal will just wind up with one extra diploma tomorrow. Now, start.”

Moriko shook her head, staring at her teacher in disbelief. This was insane… In order to prove she was ready to graduate, to be done with school, to move on and become, officially, an adult, she had to do one of the most humiliating, childish things possible… Part of her wanted to team up with Hitome, to call Ms. Hayashi’s bluff, see if she really would do this to both of them. At least, if that happened, they wouldn’t be alone… They could team up, help each other out; maybe, if it was happening to the two of them, rather than just one, the other kids wouldn’t tease them as much if they found out.

When she glanced over at Hitome, however, the girl was hanging her head, refusing to look back at her, to acknowledge she was there. Was she already trying to win? Moriko’s eyes darted back to Ms. Hayashi, her defiance turning back into anxiety. “Lift your shirts,” the woman instructed. “I want to be able to see…”

Moriko obeyed, knowing she didn’t have much time. Should she try to appeal to Hitome, before she was able to overcome the disgust at the thought of what she was being forced to do, along with her years of potty training, giving her a chance to just do what this woman wanted while Moriko spoke? Or should she give in and start pushing, hoping she could still, somehow, beat her friend, and hope that the next year wouldn’t be too rough for the poor girl if she did?

“Oh,” Ms. Hayashi grinned, “and there’s a time limit, so I wouldn’t dawdle too much if I were you two.”

Moriko turned back towards her friend for just a moment before looking away, too – like Hitome had been all along – squatting and grunting, just hoping that Hitome had been debating teaming up, too, and not already working on beating her. She had to graduate, no matter what it took… She could only pray that Hitome was slower than her, so that this would be the last time she had to do this, rather than just the first.



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Dress Code

Dress Code

“Ugh, I knew I should have just gone without letting you see it,” Mackenzie rolled her eyes. “I knew you wouldn’t understand…”

“I understand perfectly,” her mother told her, “but that doesn’t mean that dress is appropriate to wear to your school for anything, even prom. I don’t think it’s appropriate to wear anywhere, to be honest… Just look at you… You might as well not have on anything.”

Mackenzie had to admit, it was a bit on the skimpy side, but that was the point, really… And what did that matter? After twelve years of being stuck in stupid schoolgirl uniforms, she was more than ready to branch out. Besides, her friends had been sending her pictures of their prom dresses for weeks now, and theirs showed off quite a bit of leg, or cleavage… It had almost felt like a competition, seeing who could find the most revealing one; Mackenzie was pretty sure she’d won, so she hadn’t taken any photos, wanting it to be a surprise.

“Well, like it or not, mom, I’m an adult, so I can wear whatever I want,” Kenzie informed her.

“There are still dress codes,” her mother replied.

“Not for prom,” Mackenzie shook her head. “I’m not going to wear this Monday, so what do they care?” She had given a little thought to wearing it on the final day of classes, when she knew the only reason she’d ever have to go back to that place again was for graduation, but she hadn’t decided for sure yet… It depended partially on how good a reaction she got from her friends tonight.

“I know you’re eighteen,” her mom sighed, “And I’ve been very lenient about letting you buy whatever clothes you like…”

“As if it matters,” Mackenzie responded with a sigh of her own, shorter and more annoyed. “I can only wear them here, or during the summer, or weekends, or whatever…”

“However,” her mother fixed her with a motherly glare, unimpressed at being interrupted, “sometimes I wonder if that was a mistake…”

“Well,” Mackenzie shrugged, “I guess it’s too late now!” Fighting the urge to roll her eyes again, she lied, “I think I hear the limo outside… I’ll see you later.”

She hated to ruin the surprise, but she also didn’t want to have to continue this conversation, so, instead, she stomped her way across the street to her best friend, Lia’s, house, since it was her boyfriend, Ben, who had rented the limo for that night. It was really intended for just him and Lia, but Lia had pestered him until he agreed to let Kenzie ride with them, since she hadn’t managed to get a date.

“I’m taking her as much as I’m taking you,” Lia informed Ben. They’d been going out for a while, so Mackenzie doubted that was a huge surprise… He knew how close the two girls were, having been best friends for most of their lives, partially out of convenience, since their houses were so near to one another’s.

Mackenzie wasn’t surprised when Lia’s parents seemed slightly shocked at the sight of her, since they were pretty conservative, but she’d thought Lia herself, at the very least, would like it. Instead, she gawked at it for a few moments as she adjusted her own dress before finally managing a weak, “It looks nice…”

Mackenzie almost doubted herself, and her choice of dress, until a glance in her friend’s mirror reminded her of just how hot she looked. No, Lia was just jealous, that was all… Her mom probably was, too, jealous that Mackenzie was still young and hot, and could pull off an outfit like that; even though Lia was the same age, she didn’t have the body for it, either. It was too bad Lia was letting that bother her, since she still looked beautiful, though it still annoyed Mackenzie enough that she replied with a clipped, “Yeah, yours, too.”


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Gone Swimming

Gone Swimming

“Are you seriously going to wear that?” Beth giggled. “You’re so frumpy… It’s no wonder people think we’re sisters! If you go out like that, people will probably think you’re the older one!”

Stephanie bit back her true thoughts – that the real reason was her father had remarried to a girl only a few years older than her – and shrugged. “I feel more comfortable in this…” She fidgeted in her one piece swimsuit, knowing that her step-mother was right, that there weren’t many girls her age who would wear something like that, but still not wanting to switch over to something more revealing.

“I’d be happy to take you shopping,” Beth offered. “Don’t you want to look hot and glamorous, like me?” She struck a pose, flaunting her bikini-clad body. “It would be fun…”

“I said no!” Stephanie furrowed her brow. The ‘woman’ never listened to her… She seemed to think that, just because she was close to her age, she knew exactly what Stephanie wanted, despite the two of them having very different tastes. Stephanie had no desire to be more like her step-mother, either, no matter how hard she pushed. “I’m going like this, or I’ll just stay home!”

“Well, I’m not sure I want to be seen with you anyway, if you’re going to dress that way,” Beth stuck out her tongue. “So if you want to just sit at home with your nose in your books, that’s fine with me! I was just trying to be nice, but if you want me to tell your dad you aren’t even trying to get along, I’d be more than happy to do that!”

“I am trying!” Stephanie insisted. “I just don’t…”

“You know you’re supposed to be nice to me!” Beth reminded her.

Stephanie rolled her eyes; Beth was slightly older than she was, yet sometimes it didn’t seem that way. Maybe that was why she’d done it… That, and it was so easy just to slip a few extra songs into Beth’s work-out mix. She felt guilty about it from time to time, only to remind herself that it might not even work, that even if it did, it wouldn’t start until Steph herself said the main trigger phrase to activate everything else.

“Whatever!” Beth huffed. “We’ll see if he’s still going to pay for you to go to college this fall with you treating me this way…”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Stephanie shook her head. “You want me out of here just as much as I want to get out!”

“Try me,” Beth shrugged. “I can also let him know you haven’t been helping out with the chores around the house… I wouldn’t mind you sticking around if he made you take care of the dishes and vacuuming and all that boring stuff.”

Stephanie’s lips pressed into a thin line as she eyed the other girl’s expression, seeing that she was serious. Beth didn’t want a step-daughter, she wanted a maid, even if it meant denying Stephanie her education. Well, if she wanted Stephanie to take care of her, Stephie was willing and able to do just that.

“Bethy-poo,” Stephanie said, looking her in the eye. “Time to go bye-bye.”


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