It Gets Worse

It Gets Worse

It could always get worse… Somehow, life always managed to find a way.

Odette had been positive she’d hit the bottom, that things had to take a turn for the better. They had to at this point… She was almost out of college, basically an adult, and yet, she still found herself having accidents. No, not little mishaps, or a bad driving record… She couldn’t keep her pants dry.

It all seemed so silly, thinking about it like that. She’d made it through potty training more than fifteen years ago, and, despite a few night-time issues when she was younger, that should have been the end of that; it had been, up until this year. Maybe it was the stress of her final year, hoping she could keep her grades high enough that this really would be her last year, without her having to re-do something in summer school, or, even worse, and extra semester… That was the only thing that made sense, although she wished her body would understand that this was just stressing her out even more, which was making the problem worse, rather than better.

On the bright side, it was a good thing that this hadn’t started any earlier than it had… This had been her first year with a private room, so it was slightly easier to deal with this new problem, not having to worry about someone else in the same room, possibly waking up before her and seeing her lying there in a puddle before she had a chance to wake up and dispose of the evidence, or being there when she just needed somewhere private to duck into after not quite making it to the bathroom on time.

Of course, she still had to clean up after those accidents, and a private room didn’t mean private washing machines. She’d gotten very used to the schedule of everyone else in the dorm, knowing just the right times to take her wet sheets and clothes to the laundry room. She was sure people found it strange that she was almost always in there, but hoped they assumed she was OCD or something.

Now, all that was about to change… It was the start of her second semester, so her dormmates would all be on different schedules that she’d have to re-learn, and hope she could work something out. She’d figured it out once, though, so she was sure she could do it again; she hadn’t let herself worry about it too much.

It turned out, there were more important things to fret over. Her mother had insisted, after Odette had several accidents during the break between semesters, that she start wearing diapers… She’d also made Odette go through her closet and sort through her old clothes so that she could get rid of them, probably to make it easier for her to turn Odette’s room into a home gym or sewing room or something.

Odette wasn’t sure how it had happened, how her father possibly could have done it. She’d had her bags of clothes to be donated, and the bags to take back to school, and she knew she’d told her dad which ones to put into her car… And yet, when she got to school and started unpacking the trunk, the bags she pulled out were not at all the right ones.

By the time she arrived, it was too late to do anything about it, other than write a very unhappy text to her father, so she’d gone to bed. Unfortunately, her real clothes weren’t magically waiting for her when she woke… And, without her mother to make sure she had a diaper on to go to bed, she hadn’t bothered, all too happy to change back into real panties – even if they were from when she was much younger – which turned out to be a huge mistake. They were soaked, as were the clothes she’d worn to drive, since she’d fallen asleep in them.

She dug through the bags to find the least embarrassing outfit, something that turned out to be quite a chore. She’d kept just about everything that still fit well, reasoning that she never knew when she might need it – now, for instance. Most of them were definitely too small… Her best bet, like it or not, was her old school uniforms.

Reluctantly, she’d put a diaper on after cleaning herself up; they made her feel silly and immature enough on their own, but pulling one of the uniforms she’d worn as an actual child over them only amplified that. She searched for the biggest size, tugged at the skirt, told herself it was long enough – pulling on a pair of tights afterwards, in the hope that it would somehow help hide the bulky diaper, though mostly it just held the padding even tighter to her, and made it even harder to ignore the fact of what she was wearing – then trundled her wet sheets and clothes to the laundry room, running into three people on the way. She’d wrapped the bedding so that the wet spot was as hidden as she could make it, but that didn’t keep her from blushing, and praying that they didn’t hear the crinkling of her diaper as she walked past them.

As she started loading her things into the machine, she began to feel an urgent sensation in her stomach. She didn’t worry too much about it, at first, since she hadn’t had any issues with that, thankfully… As she continued working, however, it started to get worse and worse, much quicker than usual. Frantically, she shoved the rest of her things into the washer, shoved the money in, and scurried back to her room, not wanting to risk the stalls in the public bathroom in the building being full, or having to take her diaper off in them.

The urge only got worse as she ran, no longer caring how loud her diaper was… She was more concerned now with not using it. She slid into her room, then grabbed the bathroom door and yanked it open, just in time to feel something strange, and new, and horrifying, happen in her pants, a surge of soft, mushy goo sliding out into them. “No, not now!” she moaned, and, not knowing what else to do, she slammed her backside down on the toilet, not even taking the time to open it, or pull down her diaper or tights, simply wanting it to stop.


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Leading By Example

Leading By Example

“Oh! H-Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens… I-I didn’t expect you back so soon… I know this must look strange, but let me explain! It’s really very simple…

“You see, Olivia was having trouble with her potty training, which… Yeah, I guess you would know that already. It was particularly hard for her today, though. She just couldn’t make it to the potty on time at all, and it didn’t even seem like she was really trying. I didn’t see her move at all until she turned to me and told me she needed a change. It was so weird, since she’d been doing so well last time I sat for her…

“I really thought about putting her back in diapers for the day and being done with it, but I wasn’t sure punishing her was really the way to go, so I decided to have a talk with her instead, and told her about how much easier it was to use the bathroom when you knew how, to try to get her more excited for the end result of all this training.

“She told me it didn’t sound easier, so I let her follow me to the bathroom, and showed her how to unbutton my pants, since they were even more complicated than her shorts, which just had elastic, but when she saw my panties underneath, she told me it wasn’t the same… She had to wear her Pull-Ups, after all, and even though I tried to tell her they weren’t that different, she wouldn’t listen.

“Finally, I gave in, and I put… these things… on. I don’t know if you noticed my jeans; they were, uh… pretty tight… I didn’t think these trainers would be that much different from my panties, but it was just enough that I couldn’t get them fastened back up. I couldn’t take these off again, though, because after I tried to explain it to Olivia, she thought I was admitting that it was harder than I’d claimed, so it was okay for her not to try, either, since I was giving up.

“So… I had to walk around like this the rest of the day, and play with her, and color… And I just now got done putting her to bed. She was so sweet, offering me a teddy to sleep with… And that’s all there is to it! I was just about to go get changed, but you guys were already back, and… Here we are! Now, if I could just…

“Huh? No, my hair wasn’t like this when you left, we did each other’s hair, and this is what she chose for me. W-Well, yes, I know these are Goodnites, not Pull-Ups… No, I didn’t have her in Goodnites, not until I got her ready for bed. I just chose to wear these because I wasn’t sure the Pull-Ups would fit, so… O-Oh, I guess you’re right, they would both be the same size, since they both fit Olivia….

“All right, fine, I put the Pull-Ups on first! Olivia had me change into these before I put her to bed, because the only way she’d go down was if I pretended I was getting tired and about to go to sleep, too, which is why she gave me the bear.

“N-No, of course I didn’t use the Pull-Up… I’m not the one being potty trained… I know how… I threw it away! I’d already worn it, so it wasn’t like Olivia could… Wh-what?! No, don’t do that! I-I mean, yeah, you would find a dry Pull-Up in her diaper pail, but you can’t just go digging through there, that’s disgusting! O-Oh… Yeah, I guess it would be right on top, wouldn’t it, since I just changed…

“Okay, okay… So, maybe I had a little accident… Every time I tried to get up to use the bathroom, Olivia had something else she wanted me to do, and if I told her to wait, she got upset and started throwing a tantrum, and… Well, I couldn’t hold it forever…

“H-Hey, don’t check me! I’m not some little kid! I… Y-Yeah, I am a little wet… B-But you guys surprised me! I didn’t hear you come in, and I didn’t think you would be home yet, and… N-No, I didn’t do this on purpose! I’m not wearing these because I like them, I… Where are you going, Mr. Stevens?! O-Only the top one is mine!

“Wait, what? N-No, she’s not potty trained… She said she wanted to surprise me? I-I guess that makes sense, but she didn’t say anything… She had on her Goodnite when I woke her up, so I put her in a Pull-Up, since she was still training last time, and she didn’t tell me not to, and…

“Yeah, I noticed the diaper pail was empty, I just thought you did that to be nice… No, I swear, most of those in there are Olivia’s, not mine… They are! She tricked me, how was I supposed to know?!

“W-Wait, that’s a full-blown diaper… What are you going to do with that? I can’t wear that home! My pants didn’t fit over a Pull-Up, there’s no way I could get them on over that! Wh-what are you going to do with that hairbrush?

“No! This isn’t fair! She tricked me! N-No, please don’t do this! I’m not a baby, I’m way too old to be span… Ow! Ouch! Oh, this is so unfair!”


Commissioned for, and posted with the permission of, one of my lovely Patrons. Find more exclusive captions and stories at my Patreon!

Love Your Enemy

Love Your Enemy

“I have to write a Valentine to who?!” Angel stared up from the floor in shock, unable to believe what she’d just heard.

While she’d like to say it was bad enough having to fill out boxes of these childish Valentines, even without making some of them out to… them… she had to admit, it was actually kind of fun, and definitely nostalgic, reminding her of being in elementary school. Of course, the diaper certainly helped with that, considering she’d been a bedwetter through those years, and had usually procrastinated about doing her cards until the night before, so her mother would get her ready for bed so she could go straight there once she was done.

The cards were a nice walk down memory lane; the diaper, not so much. She hadn’t actually needed them in nearly a decade, but, unfortunately, when she got to college, she decided to pledge a sorority that some girls she’d went to elementary school with were also in. Even worse, one of them had once invited her to a sleepover, and her mother had insisted Angel go, despite her issues, saying that nobody would notice.

They, of course, had, almost instantly. It had taken years for the other students to stop teasing her about it, once the story started getting around… Angel had done her best to avoid everyone who had gone to that party from then on, and had done a relatively good job, until waltzing right into their midst. At first, they seemed nice enough, like maybe they’d finally forgotten….

She’d taken a gap year after high school, which now seemed like a huge mistake. All the girls she knew were already in the sorority, all eager to take her ‘under their wing’ as a little sister… And, once Angel had officially pledged, all too happy to manage her hazing themselves. At first, Angel had been naive enough to believe they were going to go easy on her… Then, they’d pulled out the diapers.

“We can’t have the reputation of our sorority tarnished by allowing in an immature little bedwetter,” they teased. “So, you’re going to have to prove you’re over that.”

“That was a long time ago!” she’d pouted, but, of course, they didn’t care. Since she lived close enough to the college to still be living at home to save a little money, they couldn’t confirm her nighttime progress, so, instead, they made her wear them during the day. It had been awful, shuffling around to her classes in the crinkly thing; then, they’d refused to give her panties back before she left for home.

She was required to ask a sorority sister for permission to use the bathroom before she went, which, unsurprisingly, she hadn’t been exactly eager to do, so she’d held it, thinking she could make it until she got home. Maybe, if she hadn’t gotten caught in a traffic jam, she would have been right… And, to make matters worse, her mother had recognized the bulge instantly, and had been none to happy to find her nearly twenty year old daughter in a wet diaper.

Angel tried to explain, but that hadn’t stopped her mother from buying her diapers, and insisting she wear them to bed, and then to school the next day. Her ‘big sisters’ had, of course, noticed immediately that she was in a different brand of diaper than the one they’d bought for her.

“Oh, my God,” one of them had giggled. “She actually does still need them!”

Things had only gotten worse from there… Now, when she tried to ask for permission to use the bathroom, she was told no, and followed to make sure she didn’t try to go on her own. Most days, she got sent home in a wet diaper, which ensured her mother would keep her in them that evening. She’d tried taking the diaper off in the car, but her mother had still checked her as soon as she walked in the door, and been even more angry at finding that; she attempted to sneak a change out of the house in the morning, to change into before returning, only to get caught, and have her backpack searched every morning.

She was in diapers full time, even worse than it had been in elementary school, where she’d only ever worn them at night. Fed up, she’d dropped her pledge, sure that getting away from the girls would help… Yet, when she went home that day, her mother had emptied all her real panties from her underwear drawer and hidden them, replacing them with diapers. Her ‘big sisters’ hadn’t been happy about her quitting, and she saw at least one of them staking out the bathrooms in between her classes, making sure she couldn’t get in…

But, as the cherry on top of all of this, one day during lunch in the cafeteria, Angel had gotten up to put her tray up, only to feel a sudden breeze on her legs. For a long moment, she was confused, uncertain what could possibly be happening… Then, she’d heard the laughter. As quickly as she could, she grabbed for her baggy pants, yanking them back up, her cheeks burning as she saw the ‘big sisters’ standing behind her, giggling. She didn’t know which one had pantsed her, though she knew it had to have been one of them. And now, once again, just like in elementary school, she was the diaper girl of the school.

And her mother expected her to write Valentines to each of those ‘big sisters’, along with everyone in each of her classes. “And they’d all better be nice,” she warned. “I’ll be reading all of them tonight to make sure, and if I don’t approve of any of them, you’ll be getting a spanking for each one tomorrow before you leave.”

Angel knew she wasn’t joking; her mother was taking this opportunity to ‘re-do’ a few mistakes she thought she’d made with her parenting so far, turning Angel into a sweet, polite young lady, whether that’s what she wanted to be or not. Angel had a feeling those Valentines to her ‘big sisters’ were really coming from her mother, as a way to thank the girls for giving her that opportunity. Either way, she could already hear the Cupid jokes that were sure to be thrown around as she delivered all of these the next day… But, since she didn’t dare risk throwing them away, and having her mother somehow find out, like she always seemed to, she knew she was going to do it anyway.


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Growing Up Too Fast

Growing Up Too Fast

A baby was what she wanted… And a baby was what she was going to get.

She made no efforts to hide it, either; as soon as Angel got to her aunt’s house, the guest room was already decorated like a nursery, piles of baby toys and stacks of diapers awaiting her. Her aunt had sent her on ahead, telling her she’d carry her suitcase for her, since it had been such a long flight… That suitcase was gone when her aunt appeared in the bedroom door, and Angel was starting to think she wasn’t going to see it again until she left, if then.

“Is there… some other guest room?” she asked. It had been quite a while since she’d been to visit her aunt, and while she’d thought she remembered the layout, she could have been wrong. After all, there was no way she could be expected to stay here… The obvious question of why her childless aunt would even have such a room could be set aside for now, answered later, once Angel was settled into her real room.

“No, this one is perfect for you,” her aunt told her. “Now, we’d better get you changed before you make a mess all over everything… You obviously aren’t properly dressed.”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” Angel demanded; as an answer, she was pushed down onto the waiting bed, the side rails already lowered and waiting for this, as was the changing pad spread out over top of the bubblegum pink bedspread. In a matter of moments, Angel’s shorts and panties had been ripped off, replaced by a thick, puffy diaper, with a liberal amount of baby lotion and powder inside.

“What is wrong with you?!” Angel asked, for what felt like the hundredth time, since she’d been practically screaming it throughout the whole, humiliating ordeal. This time, just like all the others, she got no answer. Her aunt just helped her to her feet, leading her by the hand to the living room, where more baby toys were waiting, spread out on a blanket.

“This is insane…” Angel told the woman. “I’m here to look at colleges, not… Whatever this is!”

“No, you’re much too young for that,” her aunt told her. “I didn’t get the chance to experience so much of you growing up, since your parents live so far away… So, we’re going to go back and do them again now that we have some time together.”

“No, we aren’t!” Angel stomped her foot. “That’s crazy! I’m not a baby now, I’m an adult, you can’t…”

“You’re growing up too fast,” she said. The words echoed around Angel’s skull for a moment, almost seeming to get louder each time, until they were all she could hear. The bulky diaper had already forced her into an awkward stance, but now she felt her knees growing weak, shaking slightly before giving out altogether, dropping her onto her padded backside.

“Good girl,” Auntie cooed down at her. “You listened to the playlist I sent you.”

It was true, they hadn’t spent much time together, but Angel had always looked up to her aunt, because the few times they had met, she seemed so cool. Whenever she recommended a movie, a book, a song, Angel always tried to read, listen, or watch it; when she’d offered up a whole playlist for the trip here, she hadn’t thought twice about loading it onto her phone and spending most of the flight with her earbuds in. At first, it had seemed strange, and she wasn’t sure she liked it, but the most she heard, the more it grew on her.

But why was she bringing that up now? Angel, herself, was much more concerned with her sudden loss of balance, and her inability to stand now that she’d fallen. She struggled a couple times, attempting to get her feet under her, yet nothing seemed to work. “Just play,” Auntie urged. “That’s all you have to worry about, sweetie.”

She tried to snap back with a snarky comment; the only thing that came out of her mouth was senseless babbling. She gave standing up a few more token shots, then laid down, feeling even more exhausted than she had after that long plane ride. The toys were all stupid, of course, far too simple to keep a nineteen, almost twenty, year old like her entertained, and yet, now that she was closer to them, getting a better look, she couldn’t help reaching out for them curiously, and, before she knew it, she was playing.

She got lost in it… Time passed, but she had no idea how long. The only thing that snapped her out of it was noticing a weird feeling around her bottom. It wasn’t bad, necessarily, just strange; she’d felt a little warmth earlier, a couple times, and ignored it, but now, it was different, more substantial… She wiggled her rear, attempting to work out what was happening, and something pressed harder against her sensitive skin, squishing and spreading out further down there. A giggle escaped her lips as she fidgeted some more, the mushy mass continuing to move, covering more and more of her almost like it was growing…

“Someone’s all grown up,” her aunt said with a chuckle.

In a flash, everything was back to ‘normal’, or as close as it could be, given her situation. The smell hit Angel’s nose first, the realization following moments later. She tried to tell herself she was wrong, it had to be something else, but as her hand tentatively reached behind herself, she felt a definite lumpy presence in the seat of her diaper.


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