The Star – Part 2

The Star – Part 2

Part 1

Sakura did her best to seem cool and collected, unworried about what was about to happen, certain that, even if it looked like she was alone in the office, there were cameras watching her – there were cameras everywhere here – but that was proving very difficult. She’d been playing the arguments and explanations over in her head, preparing, ever since she’d done it, though, now that she was actually here, they all seemed inadequate.

Despite all that, she really wished she’d done this sooner. Being sent away to some adult daycare was bad enough… Being there when you were the face of the company, with a very recognizable pink streak in your hair to make you stand out, was far, far worse… Now that she’d dyed her hair, gotten it trimmed, she hoped she would blend in better.

Of course, the other students who were already there would know who she was, and probably tell any newcomers… The daycare wasn’t all that big, and even if she tried to pretend to be someone else, she was certain the workers would still call her by her real name. It had felt good, to try to distance herself from the image of her that her sister had projected through the commercial for this daycare, however, now that she thought about it a little more, she began to doubt it would do her any good. Considering she was here, in the daycare director’s office, waiting for the woman to show up, it might, in fact, do harm instead.

What was she supposed to do, though? Ever since her first day here, when her little sister had dropped her off, pouting, constantly self-consciously adjusting her shorts to try and hide the bulge of her diaper beneath them, it had felt like every eye was on her. That sounded narcissistic, but evidence seemed to bear it out…

The workers, for instance, had instantly shown up to snatch her away from Mika, telling the younger girl when she could come pick her up, then escorting Sakura over to the changing stations, where all her efforts to keep her diaper hidden were rendered pointless as her shorts were yanked off and she was sent off to play in just it and her shirt.

At first, she’d reasoned that they did it with all the students, that it made it simpler to check their diapers – not that she needed hers, or planned on using them – but that theory was disproven almost immediately. A lot, if not all, of the other students were clearly wearing diapers, and much thicker ones than Sakura at that. She saw them peeking out from beneath the hem of dresses, sticking out of the top and legholes of shorts, everywhere… And yet, she was the only one running around with them completely uncovered.

Between that, and her hair, she felt like she stood out instantly among the student body. She had no idea how long she was going to be stuck here – either for that day, or in general, before she could convince her parents of how ridiculous this whole thing was – so, while she knew it would be best to meet some new friends, make the best of the situation. Instead, she shuffled over to the corner, wanting to sit and sulk and be left alone.

It wasn’t too hard to do, since there weren’t many students then, and most of them seemed eager to go as unnoticed as her. Whenever she glanced up, however, she was positive she’d been moments away from catching one of them staring at her. It was possible, with as few of them as there were, they could act this way towards any new student, but she felt like she stood out, even then.

Her first week or so were pretty boring, enough so that she stooped to playing with the baby toys the daycare provided them with, just for the sake of doing something, though it didn’t help much. Some of the other students tried to talk to her, and she did her best not to be rude, but if they were already there, ahead of any real advertising push for this place, they either liked this, or were real troublemakers…

The only bit of excitement to her days, to detract from sitting around – both inside, and out on the playground – eating finger foods at lunch, and naptime, was begging the workers to let her use the bathroom. Of the few students already there, one of them wore trainers, rather than diapers, and Sakura had seen him get permission to do that… Unfortunately, anytime she asked for the same, they told her no. She would even have accepted a potty chair, if it meant not going in her pants, but they refused to budge.

They also weren’t fans of her asking for a change. Again, she’d seen the other students doing it, yet, when it came to her, they’d tell her to wait… Then, it seemed, when the workers went around and checked all the kids the next time, they’d intentionally skip her, to presumably teach her a lesson. Since she was never allowed to wear anything over her diaper, it wasn’t like they even needed to physically check her – they still did, of course – to tell when she’d gone, but if she gave any indication that she wanted a change before they’d done that, they made her wait.

It wasn’t exactly a comfort to think that she was getting used to all that, but, in a way, she was… Or, rather, it wasn’t bothering her quite as much, after a while. She missed being able to just lounge around the house and play on her phone all day, and this was certainly a much worse alternative, though it wasn’t as utterly humiliating, from the time she was dropped off, until she was picked up, anymore. Once the commercial began airing, however, things changed…


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Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break

“Would you care to explain this?!”

Brooke giggled from the other room, wishing she could be in her step-sister’s room right then, to see her reaction. Through the wall, it was hard to hear exactly what was being said by the girl, just that she was sputtering, clearly shocked and struggling to come up with words to let her mother know that, no, that Goodnite Brooke had snuck into her underwear drawer wasn’t hers, and she knew nothing about it.

It was a pretty childish prank, yes, though Chloe was pretty childish herself. She was older than Brooke, but, while Brooke was in college, she had declared she was taking a year off after high school, and then another, and another… And their parents had allowed it! They didn’t make her get a job while she was enjoying her ‘time’ off, either… She spent all day hanging around the house on her phone, or making out with her boyfriend, or going shopping with money she hadn’t earned…

She didn’t even have to do her own laundry. Her mother still did it, and folded it up, and put it away for her. Of course, while she was at college, Brooke had to do all of that for herself, though, even before then, she had, too. Perhaps it was because, when she had her dad had lived by themselves, she’d gotten used to handling it, since he was away at work so much, but she couldn’t even imagine letting her step-mother paw through her clothes that way.

Chloe, on the other hand, didn’t seem to mind at all, which was why Brooke had known her little prank would work. As soon as she’d gotten home from college, she’d stopped by the laundry room and saw that the hamper was full, so, as soon as Chloe was out of her room, she’d slipped in and stashed the childish bedwetter pants away under a thin layer of the girl’s usual, slutty underwear, to make it look as if Chloe had made a token attempt at hiding them.

Brooke crept closer to the wall separating her bedroom from her step-sister’s, managing to catch a whiny, “I don’t need them! I’m not a little girl!” from Chloe before her mother asked, “Then why do you have them?”

There was no good answer to that, and, in her mind’s eye, Brooke could see Chloe sweating, trying to come up with one, finally just saying, “Those are for kids, anyway, they wouldn’t even fit me!” instead. But Brooke knew better… She’d ‘borrowed’ them from a kid she babysat while at college, and had seen the package they came in. Going off the size and weight chart on it, she was pretty certain they’d suit her step-sister perfectly fine; if not, all this commotion was still worth it.

Especially with what she heard next. “You promised me this stopped,” Chloe’s mother sighed. “I thought you’d outgrown this…”

“I did!” Chloe squealed. “A long time ago! I swear, I… Hey! Stop that!”

Brooke could hear something happening the next room over, but it wasn’t until the older of the two voices declared, “So, they don’t fit, huh?” that she knew exactly what it was. Brooke had to fight to keep from laughing out loud, and revealing that she was listening in, envisioning Chloe, like her babysitting charge, standing there in her Goodnites.

“No, you can’t take those!” Chloe sniffled.

“I paid for all of them,” her mother reminded her. “And I can’t trust you with them, apparently. Prove to me you don’t need them, and maybe I’ll give them back. Is that the only one you have left?”

Brooke heard the unmistakable thump of a foot stomping. “This one isn’t even miiine!” Chloe raged.

“Well,” her mother ignored that, “that doesn’t bode well… If you went through an entire package except one, I have a feeling you must really have a problem. But we’ll see, won’t we?”

Brooke listened as her step-mother left, and her step-sister continued stomping and huffing angrily, giving it a few minutes before heading out of her own bedroom. She didn’t knock, not wanting to warn Chloe, not until she’d already opened the door and got a good look at the other girl standing there, staring at herself, stunned, in the mirror, wearing nothing except a Goodnite. Once she was satisfied, Brooke tapped on the doorframe. “Hey,” she asked innocently, “Is everything okay in here?”


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The Other End of the Rainbow – Chapter 9

The Other End of the Rainbow – Chapter 9

Lucy struggled uselessly in the robot’s grip, hardly able to believe that, after all she’d gone through to escape the first one, she’d run right into another. It had taken everything she had to escape the nursery being built around her, and now her legs were numb, her arms were tired from climbing out of the crib, and she was in, seemingly, just as bad of a position as before.

“Let me down! I’m not a baby!” she protested, for all the good it was likely to do her.

Sure enough, a metallic finger poked at the rear of her diaper, squishing the contents, giving the robot a chance to tease, “Are you not?”

“That’s mud!” Lucy whined, although, even to a giant robot hiding out in the woods behind her house, she wasn’t sure the explanation for how that happened would make sense. “I didn’t… It wasn’t me!”

“I am sure it was not,” the robot said, in what was likely the most calming tone its voice could produce. “You did not feel it, did you?”

“I didn’t do it!” Lucy blushed bright red.

“Do not worry,” the robot told her. “Mommy can make it all better. I will just have to borrow some power from you first. I am afraid I have been away from my husband for too long.”

Lucy shook her head frantically; it was the other robot powering itself that had left her stuck on her hands and knees, numbing and weakening her legs to the point where they refused to hold her weight on their own. She didn’t need to lose anything else… Especially since she didn’t need anything from this robot, other than getting past her and back into the woods.

“I’ll be fine,” she promised. “I don’t mind it, so if you can just let me down, I’ll be on my way… I promise, I’ll leave your bridge alone.”

“The bridge?” The robot looked at her, the light in its eye brightening in what certainly seemed like a threatening way. “How do you know about the bridge, little one? Nobody is allowed to cross the bridge. My husband and I make sure of that.”

If this was a person, Lucy might have tried to fib that this robot had told her that already, but she had no doubt there were records the machine could check, to see that wasn’t true. Instead, she fibbed, “I-I just heard about it. I didn’t know it was here, but I saw it over there, and I was trying to get away… I don’t want to get too close.”

“That is good,” the robot nodded. “You should stay away. But I still cannot allow you to leave with your diaper as it is. Even if it does not bother you, I do not want you to get a rash.”

“I won’t! I told you, I didn’t…” Lucy protested.

“Do not worry,” the robot cut her off. “I will make sure you do not miss what I take.” It squeezed Lucy a little harder, then declared. “There. It is done.”

Sure enough, Lucy didn’t feel any different, although that worried her more than being able to tell exactly what the robot had done to her. She couldn’t even ask without giving away that she knew how the robots powered themselves, and revealing that she had, indeed, met the robot’s husband, and crossed the forbidden bridge.

“That is better,” the robot said. “Now, we can get you changed.”

“I don’t need a change!” Lucy protested, only for the robot to ignore her words, running its single, red eye up and down the parts of her body not covered by its own hands.

“I will need more materials,” it announced. “Would you like to be carried?”

Despite how tired she was feeling, Lucy shook her head vehemently. If she was out of the robot’s grasp, there would be a chance that she could escape… Not much of one, on her hands and knees, but definitely more of one than she had now. The robot set her down on the ground, and, immediately, Lucy felt the heart-shaped lock she’d hooked onto her belt loop dangle, threatening to yank on her shorts, make them slide down the slick plastic of her diapers and onto the ground.

More importantly than that, however, Lucy didn’t want the robot to see it. She’d saved it, thinking it could come in handy again, but now it was proof she’d been on the other side of the bridge. As the robot was straightening up again, she slipped it out of its spot on her clothes, pushing it down into the grass around her, hiding it as best she could when the robot turned, looking down at her. “Come along, little one. We will not have to go far.”

Lucy did as she was told, crawling along behind the huge, mechanical monster as it led her into the forest, right where she wanted to go. For a moment, she wondered if she was going to luck out, if the robot would take her right where she was headed, or at least close enough that Lucy would get an escort through the scariest parts of the forest, then could take a detour on the last little bit herself, but she highly doubted her luck was that good; so far today, it certainly seemed to be leaning in the other direction entirely.

Crawling out onto the blanket of leaves was much less comfortable than creeping along in the grass by the river bank, even if the crunching sound beneath her was satisfying, in an odd way. She wasn’t sure it made sense, either, since it had just rained… But what in this world did? Perhaps the trees here were too dense to let the rain through…

The leaves also came in handy, allowing her to slip the lock underneath them, carefully brushing a few more over it to make sure it was covered all the way. In the midst of it, the robot turned, and Lucy was afraid she’d been caught, but the robot gave its approximation of a chuckle instead. “Ha ha ha. Are you having fun in the leaves, little one?”

“Y-Yeah,” Lucy nodded.

“Well, you can play more later,” the robot promised. “Let me get you changed first.”

“Okay,” Lucy hoped the lock was hidden enough as she crawled away from it, catching up with the robot. She’d assumed the robot would keep moving, leading her deeper into the woods, and closer to the girl’s true destination; instead, it stayed put, reaching up and pulling a limb from one of the trees, snapping it off like a toothpick.

“Do not try this yourself, little one,” the robot warned. “It may look like I am eating, but I do not require that kind of sustenance. I am merely processing.”

With that, it opened its mouth, pushing the branch inside, then pulling it back out. Every leaf was gone, leaving only the wood behind, which the robot carefully laid down on the forest floor. “If my husband were here, he could build you some wonderful toys with that.”

Even after everything the two robots had put her through, and despite the lack of emotion in the thing’s voice, Lucy couldn’t help feeling bad for them. They had been made to be together, and here they were, on opposite shores of the river, separated by the flimsy bridge they were both guarding, that would break if either one of them tried to cross, even this one, as the smaller of the two. She couldn’t help but wonder how they’d ever wound up like that, how one had gotten to the other side in the first place.

The robot repeated the process a few more times, keeping an eye on Lucy as it did so, then announced, “That will be sufficient. Let me get you changed.”

Lucy still wasn’t entirely sure what was happening, although she had to admit that the thought of finally getting a clean diaper again was appealing… She’d prefer regular underwear, of course, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. She nodded, knowing better than to try to argue with one of these things, doing her best not to flinch when it stomped over to her, reaching down with metal hands to – with surprising nimbleness – unbutton her shorts, sliding them down while Lucy helpfully kicked her shoes off, letting her step out of them, leaving Lucy in a diaper that certainly looked well-used… And popping them into its mouth.

“Hey!” Lucy slammed her hand on the forest floor, staring up at the robot. “Give those back!”

“I am afraid that is impossible,” it replied. “They are already being processed.”

“No, I need those!” Lucy insisted. “You can’t just… Whoa, stop it!” The robot grabbed her shirt, gently – but firmly – lifting it. Lucy fought with all her might to keep her arms down, and thus, her clothes on; unfortunately, as big and strong as she was, she was no match for a machine of that size, determined to undress her.

Lucy always got anxious enough when her Mommy made her wear her training pants out – which was starting to happen almost all the time now. An actual diaper was even worse, and standing here, in the forest, even if it looked very different than she remembered it, in only that and a diaper was absolutely mortifying. She really wished she’d bothered to put a bra on after her nap to give her an extra layer of coverage at least, but she hadn’t planned on going anywhere, since Kari was taking care of her, and making her stay in full-fledged diaper. “You can’t just take all my clothes!”

Except, the robot could do whatever it wanted, clearly. It snatched up the shoes Lucy had stepped out of, dropping them into its waiting mouth as well, then grabbed Lucy herself. “Wait!” Lucy squealed, briefly convinced she was about to end up inside the robot, too; instead, it held her in one hand, peeling her socks off with the other to join her other clothes.

The robot set her back down, immediately moving to the only thing left. “Please, no,” Lucy shook her head, even though this was the point of this whole thing… She hadn’t expected having her diaper change to mean losing all of her clothes, though. The robot ignored her, peeling off the tapes, pulling the diaper off the shaking, naked girl, and processing it as well. Lucy didn’t see that part, however, since she was busy gasping and squirming as one of the robot’s fingers split open, spraying a blast of cold water onto her crotch, cleaning her off.

A compartment opened in the robot’s stomach, and it pulled a fluffy, pink towel from it, drying Lucy off before popping it right back inside its mouth. A moment later, door opened again, and this time, the robot produced the largest, thickest, bulkiest diaper Lucy had ever seen. Her eyes widened at the sight of it, wondering if she could have walked in it, even if her legs were at full power.

Ignoring her nudity, and the assured futility of the action, Lucy desperately tried to crawl away, barely making it two feet away before the robot picked her up, turning her onto her back and laying her down on the diaper. “I don’t need diapers!” Lucy insisted. “Especially not this one! Please, don’t, I…” She stopped as the robot pulled the thing up between her legs, feeling like a pillow. It was incredibly soft, but firm, forcing her thighs well apart, barely giving in at all when she tried to squeeze them back together.

The robot expertly fastened it in place with a pair of large safety pins, topped with yellow, plastic duck heads that held the fabric against Lucy as snug as any tapes. She’d never worn a cloth diaper before – with the possible exception of when she’d been an actual baby – and the difference was huge. If it weren’t for the size, they might be more comfortable, certainly softer, without the feeling of artificiality that came with some disposable diapers. She could almost convince herself they felt like real panties, only what seemed like a million times bigger. The size also made them heavier, which she could tell just by rolling around on her back, and hotter.

As soon as the robot looked away to create something else for her, Lucy’s hands went to the pins. Like the diaper, they were larger and heavier-duty than any she’d seen before, and, unfortunately, no matter how hard she squeezed, they refused to open. She wasn’t sure if she was too weak to use them, or if they had some sort of locking mechanism, but the result was the same either way… This diaper was staying on.

Lucy knew enough about cloth diapers to know that, usually, plastic pants went over top of them, but that wasn’t what the robot brought out next. Maybe the diaper it had made didn’t need them, or perhaps it was thick enough that it could last long enough without risking a leak, even without that extra protection… The robot didn’t explain, and Lucy was too stunned, and mortified, to ask.

What the robot did hold up, long enough for Lucy to get a good look at before starting to put it on her, was a onesie, baby blue, with a set of white ruffles on the backside, and around the legs. It was absolutely adorable… And something Lucy would never dream of wearing. She had some footed sleepers, but those weren’t that unusual for teenagers, and even grown women… She didn’t have any herself, yet she knew some women wore bodysuits, which could look similar to this…

But this was no bodysuit. From the row of large snaps on the bottom – far more obvious than the buttons, or even the smaller, more understated, snaps some bodysuits had – to the extra wide crotch, and especially the ruffles, this was clearly meant for someone in diapers, to be worn not as part of an outfit, but a whole outfit in and of itself. Who would want to hide that pretty lace under some shorts? Who even had pants large enough to fit with this diaper under them, anyway?

Lucy almost thought the robot had made the thing too small as it tugged it over her, yanking the two bottom pieces down around the diaper and began to fasten it in place, pushing the snaps together with a series of ominous sounding pops. The diaper spilled out of the legholes, making it clear – if the size of her backside itself didn’t already – what she had on underneath. She could feel the padding being pulled tighter and tighter against her as the robot worked its way across the row of snaps, ensuring there was no escape from the bulky sensation…

Or the warm, damp one she began to notice. It took her a few seconds to reason out what it was, and a couple more to accept it. The feeling was more pronounced than she was used to in her disposables, the cloth not absorbing the wetness quite as well, although the real issue was the fact that she didn’t at all recall starting to pee… She got even more worried as her wriggling revealed the spot was still growing.

“I’m wet!” she gasped, hands flying to her crotch, bouncing uselessly off her diaper. Even if she wasn’t already too late, she doubted she could press hard enough to feel it under all those layers of padding, for it to do any good in helping her stop herself.

“Of course you are!” the robot responded. “Babies like you are always a little wet. Do not worry, you are in no danger of leaking.”

“B-But I’m not,” Lucy shook her head to all of that – other than her relative safety from worrying about leaks. She wasn’t a baby, and she was certainly not always wet… Only when she had an accident – which happened more often than she liked, but never like this, with no warning whatsoever that she’d noticed…

The robot began to slide a pair of red, crocheted booties, with flowers on the tops, onto Lucy’s feet. “You are a silly baby,” it said. “You have been dribbling into your diapers ever since I received power from you. You did not notice, so it seemed logical you were used to the sensation.”

“No, I’m not!” Lucy gasped. Could that be true?! Slowly, she began to put the pieces together. “Where did you take your power from?!” she demanded.

“Since you already had no control, I simply borrowed the feelings from your bladder and bowels,” the robot explained. “You were not using it.”

“Yes, I was!” Lucy screeched, trying to scramble to her feet. The other robot had forced her to crawl, now this one had renderred her incontinent, and dressed her like a baby! “Give it back!”

“I am afraid I cannot do that,” the robot replied. “I require that power to care for you.”

“I don’t need you to do that!” Lucy huffed. “I need to be able to stop peeing myself!”

“No, you do not,” the robot countered. “Since I am here to look after you, I can change you before you leak, or get a rash. Do not worry.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about!” Lucy fumed.

“You are in a bad mood,” the robot observed. It reached up, pulling another tree limb down, consuming the leaves, and making a doll. “Does this make you feel better?”

“No!” After what had happened in the cornfield, Lucy threw the doll as far away from her as possible. “The only thing that’s going to make me feel better is if you fix me, and give me my clothes back.”

“Tantrum acknowledged.” The robot’s eye blinked for a moment before it began to gather more leaves. This time, what came out of the compartment was a large baby bouncer, one that it began to fasten around one of the lower tree branches. Lucy began scooting backwards, gulping nervously, sure it was up high enough that her legs would be dangling far over the ground if she were put inside, making it all but – if not totally – impossible to escape until the robot decided to let her go, likely long after the rainbow had faded from the sky. “Time out required.”


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Magic Diapers

Magic Diapers

“Umm, what are these?” Nikki asked, stopping suddenly as she walked in, hardly able to believe what she was seeing in her adult little sister’s apartment. And not even hidden, just right there in the open…

She’d seen Alyssa recently enough to know the girl wasn’t, and hadn’t been pregnant; even if she had been, these diapers were meant for someone much bigger than your average baby. That also ruled out the idea that Alyssa had, for some reason, decided to turn her home into a daycare, which would otherwise have seemed like a possibility, considering the baby toys strewn around the living room, as well. Not that she could imagine anyone – much less, multiple anyones – leaving their children in her sister’s care.

Alyssa shrugged, having enough dignity to blush a little, though that seemed about as far as her humility went. “You know,” she pointed out.

“Yes,” Nikki had to agree. She’d seen them plenty of times, but never in such huge numbers, and, again, never quite as proudly displayed, as if this wasn’t something to be embarrassed about. “But why are they here? Are you still..?”

“What? No!” Alyssa giggled. “No, that was all you, big sis.”

Nikki was the one blushing now, far deeper than Alyssa – and for good reason. While she’d never had this many, she was quite familiar with the things she saw folded up on the shelves, much more than she liked to admit. “I don’t need them now, though,” she squirmed. “I haven’t wet the bed in a long time… But there was that one time when I caught you…”

“Right,” Alyssa nodded. “I did borrow some of them for you… I probably told you I was having some bedwetting issues, too, didn’t I? That was a bit of a fib… I’d just seen you wearing them, and I was kind of curious, so I took a few to try out. And… Well…” She nodded over towards the shelf. “Clearly, I got a few more, once I had my own place.”

“But aren’t you afraid people will see them?!?” Nikki felt her face growing even redder, getting more embarrassed simply from being this close to the things.

“No, of course not,” Alyssa shook her head. “My friends know. Most of them don’t care, and some of them even like them, too. I thought… Well, you wore them for so long, so I figured maybe you didn’t actually NEED them, so much as…”

“I didn’t wear them for that long!” Nikki squealed, mortified. It had been a couple years, if that, and her doctor had told her it was perfectly normal for girls that age… Although, something else her sister had said required her attention, keeping her from defending herself further. “You LIKE them?!” Maybe it was just her history with them, but that was something she could never imagine saying about diapers.

“Yeah,” Alyssa shrugged. “It’s a whole thing… I honestly thought you knew. I found these special diapers online, and I was going to offer to let you try them out before my friends get here, but if you aren’t into it…”

“No, I’m not into it!” Nikki’s face felt like a furnace now, not having had a chance to cool off for most of this conversation.

Alyssa eyed her, raising an eyebrow. “Okay…” she said, clearly unconvinced.

“I’m not!” Nikki protested. “And what do you mean, ‘special’?!”

“See? I knew you were interested!” Alyssa grinned.

“No, I just don’t know what makes a ‘special’ diaper,” Nikki corrected her. “There are a bunch of different kinds here already, and they all look about the same…”

“Well,” Alyssa’s eyes lit up. “Let me show you.”


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