Update, and Ream

Update, and Ream

Hello, everyone!

I’d like to thank everyone for all of their support lately, which has been very much appreciated! Since I realized I hadn’t posted an update here, I wanted to go ahead and let you all know that I have been feeling much better lately, thankfully, so thanks to everyone for the thoughts and concern as well!

On the more business side of things, I also wanted to go ahead and announce that, mostly as a backup in case anything happens with SubscribeStar, to hopefully lessen the stress somewhat if that happens, and also as a potential alternative to people who have had issues with SubscribeStar, I’m also working on launching a page on Ream. It’s another subscription site, geared specifically towards stories, so there are some nice features for reading on there, but since it is focused on that, it doesn’t allow for things like polls (Edit: Actually, it looks like they do have polls, but they’re totally separate from the stories, so I’m not sure how convenient they’d be, but I may try them out), and is limiting in some other ways, including how low the subscription price can be set on my end, which is why it’s set to have only one tier, which is $5, but that will get you access to everything.

Please note that there is no reason to subscribe on there if you’re already on SubscribeStar! It will be the same content, just on a different site. My hope is to have everything up on both at the same time, but the scheduling system on there is a bit wonky, which is part of why I haven’t set it up until now, so things might get somewhat out of sync, but in the end, there isn’t anything exclusive on there, so there’s no need to subscribe in both places! I believe that I now have everything that is on SubscribeStar also on there, and in your Welcome message, you should receive links to the archives containing all my former Patreon-exclusive content.

I hope you’re all having a great March! Thank you all again for sticking around and reading!

A Plea for Help

A Plea for Help

I’m sorry to have to make this post, but I’m just not sure what else to do.

As I’ve posted on here before, and as I assume is pretty public knowledge by now, Patreon semi-recently banned all AB/DL content on their site without ever really coming out and saying that was what they were doing. As a response, I opened up my SubscribeStar page, which I was lucky enough to get approved in a timely fashion, unlike many.

Unfortunately, the timing on this wound up being very bad for me. I assumed that it would take a little time to rebuild my audience, which I thought would be fine, but then, in January, I had a health emergency that I was not at all prepared for, not least of all because I stupidly didn’t have any health insurance.

That was obviously my bad, and something I should have been prepared for. I had been making enough off of Patreon that, along with a part-time job, I was doing all right for myself. With this job being what it is, and my other being part-time, I didn’t have health insurance easily/cheaply available to me, which wasn’t an issue… until I needed it.

Which brings me to now. Now, unfortunately, I did need it, and didn’t have it. I was out of commission for a little while, which put me way behind on writing, and lost me many hours of potential work at my other job, and is making it difficult to get more now to try to make up for it. I’m on the road to recovery, and looking for another job that would include health insurance, and help me to cover the expenses I’ve racked up without falling behind and potentially losing my house.

But it’s slow going, and until then, things are getting a bit rough. I’ve been posting previews of stuff you can find at SubscribeStar here, hoping to reel in some new Subscribers, but it hasn’t really done much. So, as much as I hate to do it, I’ll resort to begging.

Please, if you were subscribed on Patreon, or ever considered it, give SubscribeStar a chance. I know it isn’t a perfect solution, but it is what I have, so it’ll have to do. I’ve been posting the sort of stuff you can find over there for the past few days, and there’s tons more in the archives, which you can get access to as a subscriber using my handy Directory post. I’ll even post a direct link here for the main one, which you can get for $1 a month, and here for the one for full-length stories, which you can access for $5 a month. For that price, you also get access to voting in polls, which allows you to decide on the direction my CYOA stories take, and on what story wins the monthly Community Story contest.

That’s all I’m really asking. If I could rebuild my audience back to what it was, that would be a gigantic help. However, if you want to go the extra mile, you could always throw me an extra tip there, too, if you’re already a Subscriber. I hate to ask for that, especially when I have nothing more to offer in exchange, but if you’ve enjoyed my work and can spare even an extra dollar or two, it would help.

If you can’t subscribe there for whatever reason, I understand. If you’d still like to help, you can donate to my Paypal here. I know Paypal has been cracking down on AB/DL stuff, so officially, it would just be a donation, but if you e-mail me at clinediap@yahoo.com separately after you make a donation, I could make sure you get the links to the Archives. They currently don’t have any of the stories that are ongoing, but they could be updated if the interest is there.

Again, I’m very sorry to do this, but I’m not sure where else to turn at this point, and it feels like anything is worth a shot. Thank you all for reading!

The End of Patreon and Start of Something New

The End of Patreon and Start of Something New

Hi, everyone! In case you’ve managed to not hear about this elsewhere, Patreon recently decided to stop allowing AB/DL content on their site, without actually bothering to change their policies publicly or inform anyone beforehand. Mine hung on for a while, but it finally was just shut down today.

It sucks, but I did at least have more time than a lot of people did, enough to be able to set up a new site at SubscribeStar. It is specifically an adult-oriented platform, so hopefully there won’t be any issues there like this. I will say, the site isn’t quite as convenient to use as Patreon, but I’ve done what I can to help with that, including creating a Directory post as a pinned post that will link you directly to different stories, along with brief descriptions of each.

I hate that this happened so soon after the first of the month, since so many of my supporters had just paid. I have no access to Patreon on my end anymore, so I have no way to give any refunds, but if any of you were subscribed there, and subscribe to SubscribeStar, you can message me with the e-mail address you were signed up on Patreon with and I can give you a free month of access on SubscribeStar. You will have to pay for a month to be able to do that, but since I don’t seem to have a way to give a refund on that there, either, the best I can do is make it so that the month you pay for will last until the end of next month, as if you were paying for that one in advance. So, to sum up, you’ll have to make an account and subscribe, and pay now, but if you do that and message me, telling me your Patreon e-mail address, the $1 or $5 you pay now will last you all of this month and next month, and you won’t be charged again until February.

Thanks to everyone who supported me on Patreon, and to everyone who comes to join me on this new platform. I appreciate all of you very much!

The Kindness of Strangers – Chapter 4

The Kindness of Strangers – Chapter 4

“Umm…” Corina nibbled her lip, staring at her two options, trying to game it all out in her head, before giving up, knowing there was no way to know for certain, even if she could decide which of the dastardly possibilities staring her in the face was ‘better.’ “Pink?”

Faye grinned wide enough to leave Corina quaking in her Pampers, wondering if she’d made a mistake. “Perfect,” she purred, dipping the ladle into the mouth of the giant beaker, filling it with the pink liquid. “Open wide!”

“W-Wait!” Corina shook her head. “M-Maybe…”

Faye let go of her wrist at last, but not long enough for Corina to make a break for it, grabbing her by the cheeks instead, pushing in, forcing her mouth open. Corina whimpered, watching in horror as the ladle loomed closer and closer, a few drops of pink falling out, dripping to the ground before Faye could get it to her former teacher, pouring it down her throat.

It tasted oddly sweet, which was, in and of itself, a bit scary. If she hadn’t known what it was, what it could do to her, Corina could see herself casually drinking it, not giving it a second thought… Unaware that it would be turning her into permanent diaper-wetter, or a brainless bimbo. She might even go so far as to say that, despite everything, she liked it.

Finally, Faye released her altogether, Corina stumbling away, wiping her mouth, heart pounding. “Wh-What did you do?!” she demanded.

Faye smirked. “Is it already working?” she teased. “I’d think the answer would be obvious… Are you peeing your pants?”

Corina reached down, giving her diaper a poke to confirm, then shook her head, a shiver running through her as it hit her what that meant. “F-Faye!” she wailed. “Y-You can’t do this! Stop it! Reverse it! Do something!”

“Calm down,” Faye rolled her eyes. “All you have to do is not wet your diaper. That should be simple enough, right? If you can convince someone to let you use their toilet, you’ll be fine.”

“B-But… Wh-What if I can’t?” Corina sniffed, feeling her tummy rumble, reminding her that she was already working on that task, and of how badly it was going.

“Don’t play dumb,” Faye patted Corina’s bottom. “You know exactly what’s going to happen… It’s okay. The popular kids really do like it better when you aren’t showing off how much smarter you are than them. And you definitely won’t be able to do that anymore…”

“I don’t care about the popular kids!” Corina stomped her Mary Janes. “I have to be smart! I’m the teacher!”

“Then all you have to do,” Faye shrugged, “is not wet your diaper… again.”

That shouldn’t have been difficult, shouldn’t have been a challenge at all… She shouldn’t even have had to think about it… Except for that final word Faye had chosen, and delivered, so pointedly, reminding Corina that she had, indeed, already done it once… And if it happened a second time, she was going to forget all about how to prevent it from happening in the future…

She had to succeed now. She had no choice. Desperately, she waddled away, hearing Faye’s laughter echoing behind her as she hurried out of the girl’s yard, back onto the sidewalk, stomach churning as she saw how dark it had gotten during the confrontation, how late it was getting. Emi would be showing up soon, surely… If she could hold it until then, she’d be all right, wouldn’t she? The witch had said she needed to find someone to let her use their bathroom, but as long as she didn’t mess her diaper, she’d be fine, right?

She didn’t want to run that risk, to give the girl a chance to pull something, to claim she’d broken the rules… And she didn’t know how much longer she could wait, anyway. The cramps were coming hard and fast now, making her stop what felt like every few steps and breathe, concentrate on keeping her muscles squeezed tight.

At first, she was grateful that the crowds she’d seen earlier had thinned out, that there was barely anyone else out on the sidewalks now; quickly, she changed her tune, the solitude, mixed with the growing darkness, making the whole thing that much creepier, putting her on edge… Which caused her to worry she was going to wet her pants in surprise if anything unexpected did happen.

It didn’t help that the streetlights all seemed to be on the verge of going out, flickering wildly as she approached them, a few of them indeed blinking out once she got underneath them, thinking she was safe for a moment, prompting her to rush onwards to the next pool of light. Even the ones that stayed on weren’t the havens she’d hoped they would be, the flickering giving her just enough light to catch glimpses of what seemed to be movement, or the glint of eyes, right outside…

She felt so very tiny, so very vulnerable, all alone out there, trying desperately not to use her diaper in any way, when that was all that her body seemed to want to do. Renee and Dylan’s house was the closest to Faye’s, so it was the only one that she felt confident in being able to get to from there, but even that trek seemed to stretch on for miles, every strange noise making her jump, one hand shooting to the crotch of her diaper, making certain it didn’t feel warmer, or wetter…

After all that, she was afraid she’d arrive at the house and find the lights off, as seemed to be the case for more and more of the places she passed by; thankfully, not only were the lights inside on, the one on the porch was as well, signalling that they were open for trick or treaters. She dashed up the steps, pressing the doorbell, bouncing in place as she waited for the door to open.

Renee opened the door, in a tiny mockery of an Elizabethan dress, with a very short skirt, and a corset top that her breasts were practically spilling out of. By now, Corina was almost used to that, to seeing her former students flaunting their figures, showing off how much more mature they looked than her at the moment, toddling around in her diapers, and she was in no condition to be bothered by it.

“Trick or treat!” she blurted out, attempting to push her way inside. “I-I hafta…”

“Oh, my God,” Renee snickered. “Miss Gridley?”

Corina groaned. This would have been so much easier if everyone didn’t recognize her… But then, she supposed, that would ruin the challenge of the ‘game.’ “Y-Yeah,” she admitted, mind racing. “I-I wanted to apologize to you and Dylan for how I treated you, when you were in my class… First, though, I really…”

“Apologize, huh?” Renee raised an eyebrow. “Are you feeling okay? That doesn’t sound like you.”

“I’m turning over a new leaf!” Corina squeaked, her face twisting as another pain raced through her stomach.

“Well, I’d love to see that,” Renee told her. “And Dylan would love to see you like this, so come on in.” She stepped aside, letting Corina waddle in, the girl chuckling as she watched her miniature teacher do so. “Oh, Dylan!” she called. “Meet us at the bathroom!”

Corina was too grateful for the mention of a bathroom to care why Dylan would be there, if they were going to watch… She couldn’t even remember for sure if she’d managed to get the words out that she needed to get there. Had Renee just seen the way she was squirming and picked up on it? That was embarrassing, yes… If it let her make it to the toilet before she used her diaper, she wasn’t too bothered by it at the moment.

“Who is ‘us?'” Dylan called back from another part of the house. “Do we have a visitor?”

“We certainly do!” Renee replied. “You’ll never believe who it is!”

Dylan was waiting for them outside of the bathroom, in leather pants, a red vest, a ruffled white shirt beneath it, all quite tight, hugging his form perfectly. Corina had to assume they were meant to be a sexy Romeo and Juliet, as silly as that seemed.

Corina whimpered, eyes darting towards the open door to the bathroom, to the toilet sitting so close, and yet so far. She would have loved to race past them, to slam the door in their faces… But she couldn’t get this diaper off on her own, so that wasn’t an option.

“H-Hi,” she told Dylan bashfully. “I-I wanted to tell the both of you that I’m sorry for what happened back at school… I-I was rooting for the two of you, really, I was… I-I was so glad to hear that you ended up together. I-It’s just that there was a policy against PDA in school, a-and I had to enforce it, a-and…”

“Wow,” Dylan spoke up, nodding. “She really must want something from us, huh?”

“She does,” Renee confirmed. “And I know exactly what it is.” She grabbed Corina by the shoulders, spinning her around, showing off the seat of her diaper, and the two words written there.”

“W-Wait, no!” Corina squealed.

“I see,” Dylan chuckled, stepping into the bathroom. “Well, I’d hate to leave an old acquaintance hanging.”

“N-No!” Corina shook her head. “Pl-Please, just… L-Let me use your toilet first!”

“Sorry,” Renee shrugged. “Our bathroom is reserved for people who aren’t filthy little liars. You aren’t fooling anyone.” Corina’s eyes widened as she saw Dylan return to the hallway, carrying a large, wooden hairbrush.

“Is this why you wanted to meet at the bathroom?” he asked, raising it up, letting the squirming Corina get a good look at it.

“Exactly,” Renee gave him a kiss. “You always know exactly what I’m thinking…”

“I-I am sorry!” Corina sputtered. “Pl-Please, don’t…!”

But Dylan was already pulling the hairbrush back, winding up for the strike, as Renee pushed Corina down, bending her over. Corina knew this was going to hurt much more than any of the other spanks she’d gotten, was bracing herself for it… Unfortunately, another cramp hit her right then, too, splitting her focus between containing it, and preparing for the impact.

“Oww!” she shrieked. It had barely felt like she’d been wearing a diaper at all, like the padding had given her any protection whatsoever. It was hardly a surprise that she felt a trickle of wetness come out of her after that, and, at first, she was glad it hadn’t been any more… Until she recalled the pink liquid. Was that enough? Would that trigger it?

She swallowed, squirming, still facing downwards, as Renee and Dylan switched places, Dylan holding her there, handing over the hairbrush. She thought she was okay… Actually, she felt quite a bit better now, perhaps because she’d gotten through so relatively unscathed, certain that the few drops that had come out didn’t count…

Until she glanced up from the floor, getting a good look at her diaper, and saw the discoloration growing through the padding, saw the way it was beginning to sag… “No,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes even before the hairbrush smacked against her a second time, the realization that it had begun, that the reason she’d thought everything was okay because she’d forgotten everything she knew about holding her bladder, and that it was only the beginning, hitting her almost as hard as the spank.

Her outfit also made sure there was no way to hide it, as Renee helped her back up and immediately spotted, and recognized, the swelling padding. “Are you having an accident, Miss Gridley?”

Corina fidgeted, not wanting to confess to something so humiliating, yet seeing no way around it. “Y-Yes,” she nodded. “A-Are you happy now? C-Can you take this thing off me?”

“Do you have another one to change into?” Renee asked, opening up Corina’s candy bucket. “Nope. Well, I don’t have any, and it seems like you need them, so…”

“N-No, I don’t!” Corina huffed… Except, that wasn’t true anymore, was it? She shuddered, praying that, perhaps, if she could do what Emi wanted that everything that had happened would be reversed, including the potion, and the memories of everyone involved.

“Really?” Dylan gave her diaper a squeeze. “You’re still going… That’s an awful lot of pee-pee for such a little girl…”

“I’m not a little girl!” Corina whimpered, even though that was exactly how she felt at the moment.

“That’s true,” Renee took her side, to Corina’s shock. “She’s an adult… Do you remember what we always used to say about her? How the reason she came down so hard on us for being in love was probably because she didn’t have anything, or anyone, to love herself?”

Dylan grinned. “That’s right… She was so obviously jealous…”

“N-No, I wasn’t,” Corina pouted.

“No need to pretend now,” Renee squatted down, getting on her eye level. “Emi actually paid us a little visit earlier, and said you might be coming along… And she gave us a present that’s going to fix your problem.”

Corina’s eyes widened. Had she done it?! Had she picked the right house at last?! “Sh-She did?” she asked cautiously.

“She did,” Renee replied. “All you need is one kiss from one of us, and you’ll finally have something you love just as much as Dylan and I love each other.”

“That’s right,” Dylan continued. “If you kiss me, it’s going to be having your diapers exposed in public, walking around with them showing… You’re already doing such a good job of that!”

“And if you kiss me,” Renee told her, “what you’re going to love is being in a stinky, messy diaper, like the little baby you are. Either way, that’s going to be the only thing that turns you on anymore… The only way you can get off…”

Corina felt like she should be used to this by now, and yet, somehow, it seemed as if every choice she had to make kept getting worse. She didn’t want to be some kind of exhibitionist, flaunting her diapers! But… To get aroused by a dirty diaper… That was so humiliating, so babyish… On the other hand, if she had lost her bladder control permanently, if she was going to be wearing diapers anyway… At least she had a chance of privacy that way…

“I-I just wanna use your potty,” she insisted weakly, her tummy rumbling ominously, telling her that she was very, very quickly running out of time to do so.

“No, no,” Renee shook her head, stroking Corina’s hair. “There’s no more potty for you, little one, certainly not here. If you want to try somewhere else, you can give it a shot… But only once you give your Auntie Renee or your Uncle Dylan a kiss. Now, who is it going to be?”

Who should Corina kiss?

Or Dylan?

And where should Corina try to go afterwards for one last attempt to make it to the bathroom?

To Martine’s house?
To Persephone’s house?
To a stranger’s house?
To find Aubrey, if she’s still around this late?
To find the pranksters?
Or back to her own house?

These decisions have already been made, but if you’d like to catch up on the story, and help decide where it goes next, you can find it, and other exclusive stories, at my Patreon!

Escape Room – Chapter 13

Escape Room – Chapter 13

Serena knew the diaper pail was the key to this; she was positive about it! Alecia was being stubborn, and maybe that was because all she wanted to do was sit and play with the dollhouse some more, like a dumb little baby. Fine… Serena would just have to figure something else out.

But… What? She was already sure she didn’t have time to use her diaper enough to earn a change of her own… And it didn’t seem fair that she’d have to do that again anyway. She’d messed herself twice since she’d arrived here… She’d say she’d done more than her fair share at this point. Why was Alecia so insistent on staying in her soggy diaper?

She got what seemed like an answer a few moments later, as the girl went back to playing with her dolls, her expression going vacant and infantile again, the way it had been the last time Serena had seen her with the dollhouse. Her fears had to be right… Alecia did want this. It was a scary thought, one that made her feel very alone… However, it wasn’t the end of the world. If she was really was right about the diaper pail, perhaps she could find a way to take advantage of it even without Alecia’s help.

In order to do that, though, at least one more person was going to need a change, and Alecia would be the easiest. If she could be sneaky enough, maybe she could find a way to help her along while she was distracted… She had no doubt the changing table would have plenty of things like that somewhere on its shelves, if she looked hard enough. Whether she’d be able to use them with her mittens on was another story, but she could worry about that when the time came.

She crawled her way back towards the changing table. What she needed was going to have to be on the bottom shelves for her to get to it, so that’s where she began, pawing clumsily through bottles of baby powder and lotion and peering in at what was behind them, doing her best to ignore the constant buzzing in her diaper as she wiggled her bottom, searching desperately…

She looked back just in time to see the diaper that was floating behind her, unfolded and splayed out, like a mouth ready to close on her already heavily padded behind. She squeaked and rolled away, the diaper snapping shut on the open air a second later, fastening itself into a closed bundle and falling the the floor. She let out a sigh of relief as she pushed herself back up onto all fours. She should have known there would be some kind of trap here… It was a good thing she’d avoided it; she had a hard enough time getting around with only three diapers!

She assumed she was safe, now that the diaper was lying still on the floor, but she didn’t want to get too close anyway, just in case, looking at the bottom shelf on the other end of the table, then, when she didn’t find anything there, getting up onto her knees to try the next shelf up. “Ah-ha!” she declared, seeing something beyond the boxes of baby wipes. She brushed those aside, stretching back, trying to clasp her mittened hand around one of the jars of suppositories she saw there.

How she was going to use them, she didn’t know yet, but she knew from experience that, after Alecia had messed herself, she wouldn’t be able to resist asking for a clean diaper. It was hard to believe she’d waited as long as she had, and she doubted Alecia would be as resilient as her, no matter how dedicated she was to acting like a toddler.

Getting them off the shelf was the first challenge, and even that was proving too much for her, the mittens not wanting to close enough to grab onto the container. She had to reach in with both hands in an attempt to capture it between them, and, even then, she wound up knocking it over, sending tiny, white bullets scattering across the shelf.

With a frustrated sigh, she brushed them aside, trying for another one of the jars, so focused that she didn’t noticed the loose suppositories wriggling on the shelf, starting to move on their own, rolling to the edge of the shelf and then dropping off, floating in the air as they circled behind her…

She did feel something on her leg, reaching back to swat it away, assuming it was a bug, even though she hadn’t seen any others in this place since she’d arrived. It didn’t fly away… Instead, she felt it continue to move next to her skin, slithering under the legband of her diaper. “Get out!” she poked at the bulky padding uselessly, freaked out a little at the sensation of the thing continuing to creep along, moving between her legs and then…

“H-Hey!” Her eyes widened as it pushed itself into her bottom. She wiggled in place, trying to make it go away, only to feel it moving further inside… And then, at last, she realized what it was, as she felt the process beginning again. She looked down in time at the initial contact to see another suppository slip into the legband of her diaper, vanishing inside before she could try to stop it.

“Oh, no…” This couldn’t be happening! She wasn’t supposed to be getting set up for yet another dirty diaper! She didn’t even know how she could have anything else inside her stomach, however, she could already feel the pain starting, even before the second suppository inevitably inserted itself. Now that she knew what she was looking for, she was able to spot the next one in time, swatting it out of the air, pinning it beneath one mitten, while her attention returned to the shelf they were coming from, seeing more ready to begin their journey. She blocked them with her other mitten, nibbling her bottom lip as she sat there, wondering about how she was going to deal with this.

Or… Maybe this was for the best. She didn’t know if she’d be able to get a change with just another messy diaper – and, like it or not, that seemed impossible to avoid now. These things seemed to have a mind of their own, however… If she could just get them over to Alecia, they ought to finish the job for her.

She scooped as many of them between her mittens as she could, holding her hands together as tightly as she could. The one she’d been pinning to the floor got loose, and quickly made its way into her diaper, but she got most of the ones from the shelf trapped. She looked over at the dollhouse, and the cheerleader staring blankly at it and drooling. It wouldn’t be easy, scooting her way over there on her knees… Especially because that meant letting her diaper drag along the ground, which, in turn, would make the vibrator so much harder to ignore as it was pushed more firmly up against the innermost layer of her diapers… She’d gotten this far, though, and she wasn’t about to give up now.


The dolls were definitely a more promising lead than Serena’s suggestion, by far. She didn’t get the sense that Serena was willing to help her look for the final one, which would have been a big help, but if Alecia was going to have to do this on her own, she’d have to place Julianne’s doll eventually anyway… It would have been nice to have Serena working on the outside while she did that, of course, though, since that wasn’t happening, she’d just do it all herself.

She picked up Julianne’s doll, turning it over in her hand, feeling bad as she looked at it. Obviously, now that she was stuck in only her diaper and socks, she took the cake; before that, however, she’d say that Julianne had been given the most babyish outfit, with her bib, bonnet, diaper cover, and booties, all pink, and she’d been in it from the start. And she’d been trapped in that high chair from the start, too… The diaper cover kept her from getting a good view of the diaper underneath, so it wasn’t as easy to tell as it had been with her own doll, yet she was pretty certain the back of it was looking pretty lumpy…

They still needed to find a way to get back to the first part of the escape room, to free Julianne. She had no clue how they were going to do that, if they were going to have time… She didn’t want to leave her friend behind, but, at the same time, she didn’t want to risk winding up here forever… For now, all she could do was keep doing what she knew, and hope it would lead them to be reunited, or show her how to do that…

“Okay,” she took a deep breath, scooting in a little closer to the dollhouse. “Here we go…” She attempted open it up while staying back far enough to avoid the pull of the toy, to observe from a distance so she could try to work out what room the doll was meant to go in… But she felt the same pull as before, the dollhouse appearing to grow as she was sucked in towards it, diaper crinkling as she frantically scooted backwards uselessly, until…

“Wait, what?” Alecia blinked, a sense of deja vu washing over her. She knew this room she’d found herself in… She might not have spent a ton of time in it, but that time had certainly been memorable… She was right back in the feeding room, the first part of the escape room… And she was sitting in the high chair, where she’d left Julianne.

That was all that was familiar, however… She looked down at herself, head spinning as she saw a completely different body than the one she was used to, that she’d only seen from the outside before, frowning as she lifted up its hands, turning them over… As she shifted in her seat, she became aware of another new sensation as well.

“Oh, gross!” she groaned, wrinkling her nose, knowing immediately that she’d been right about what the seat of the doll’s pants looked like, and what the warm, mushy mass in her diaper was. She’d managed to avoid it so far, had looked down on Serena for doing it, and yet, she’d wound up in a messy diaper after all. It wasn’t even her fault! She shouldn’t have to deal with this! It was so squishy, so humiliating, so babyish… All she wanted to do was to get out of it…

In a way, though, didn’t she deserve this? If she’d been able to get Julianne out of the high chair, this probably wouldn’t have happened, at least not so quickly… And, while she had offered to be the ‘leader’ at the start of the game, she hadn’t pushed that hard for it, which was why Julianne was the one who had ended up in this position…

She was so distracted, she almost didn’t notice the baby food jars that began to float towards her. Like everything else here, they seemed doll-sized, so she had no idea of there was any baby food in them… But she didn’t want to find out, either. Her heart began to pound, remembering how she’d tried, and failed, to open the lock on the tray in the real room, wondering if there was going to be a repeat here, if she was going to end up trapped in the exact same way Julianne was…

When she gave the tray over her lap a shove, however, using all of her strength, it popped off, clattering to the floor, the plastic it was made of clearly nowhere near as strong as what the real thing was made out of. She ducked the incoming jars, hopping down from the chair and scrambling away, nose wrinkling as the movement made the mass in her diaper shift and squelch, ignoring it as best she could as she hurried towards the open baby gate that, in this escape room, had led her to the playroom…

In the dollhouse, however, you could never tell where the rooms would connect. She hadn’t really expected to find herself in another playroom there, with, perhaps, another, tinier, dollhouse in it, but she also didn’t expect to discover a jail cell, brick walls stretching up all around her, with a small, barred window on one of them. She spun around towards the baby gate she’d just come in through, and found that it seemingly grown, transforming into the cell door. She grabbed the bars, giving them a shake, whimpering in fear. Had she screwed up? Was there no way out of here now? Would she have been better off sticking with the feeding room after all?

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down, though she nearly gagged as she caught a whiff of her diaper at the same time. There had to be something she could do… She looked around the room, and she could see things written on the walls, spotted a deck of cards strewn across the floor in front of the tiny cot in there… And, to her surprise, she saw another door, off in a dark corner.

She waddled over to it, reaching out for the doorknob, only to stop herself short. There was something written above it, too… Unfortunately, like the things scrawled on the wall, she couldn’t read it. It did strike her as odd that a jail cell would have another door in it like this, however… What was the point of it? It seemed to odd, so artificial…. Obviously, this wasn’t a real jail, but why even have it in the dollhouse if it was that easy to get out of?

Unless… It wasn’t a jail cell at all, really, and that wasn’t what it was going for. It looked like one, of course… But it was almost like it was there solely for her to figure out how to open the cell door. Like it was an escape room.

“This is it!” she declared out loud. She didn’t know a ton about escape rooms, but she had heard some of her other friends talk about them, including Julianne, and she knew this was a theme that had come up more than once. It made sense… What better place to try to ‘escape’ from than jail? And Julianne was into these things, so it was an awfully big coincidence for this room to have shown up in the dollhouse while she was in Julianne’s doll form… This must be Julianne’s equivalent of the football field for her!

She wasn’t going back to her body, however, now that she was here. She must have to do something else, like she’d done the cheer for herself… And the only real thing that made sense to do in an escape room was to escape… Except… How was she going to do that?! All those things on the wall must be clues, she was certain… She couldn’t read them, though, so she had no way of solving whatever puzzle they were presenting her with.

“This isn’t fair!” she whined, crossing her arms. Had this whole thing been for nothing?! Was she going to have to go back and convinced Alecia to help after all? She couldn’t even guarantee that Alecia would be able to find this room if she went in… She’d gotten incredibly lucky getting here so quickly herself!

There had to be something else she could do… She scanned the room again, frantically, flopping down onto her knees by the cot to look at the cards, careful to keep her bottom above the floor. They didn’t mean anything to her, either, unfortunately… Frustrated, she tossed her head back and groaned, just to bump it against something behind her.

“Ow!” She rubbed her head, turning her head with a frown. The mattress on the cot was thin, but it hadn’t looked so bad that she ought to have felt the bedframe so obviously through it… And that was, she realized after a moment, because that wasn’t what had poked her. She lifted up the mattress and found part of a broken broom handle under there, poking out ever so slightly.

“Okay,” she mumbled to herself, picking it up and looking at it. “What can I do with this?” Other than the window, she didn’t see anything high up on the walls that it seemed like she should be trying to reach… And, even with the broom handle, the window was way too far off. Maybe if she moved the bed underneath the window and climbed on top… But what would she be trying to reach out there?

Handle in hand, she took a quick waddle around the cell one more time, praying that inspiration would strike… And, as she got close to the cell door, that’s exactly what happened. Beyond the bars was mostly darkness… Mostly. She could see a little of the outside of the cell’s wall, however, and, just beyond where she would have been able to reach on her own, she spotted a light switch.

She fed the broom handle out from between the bars, swatting at the switch until she managed to turn it off. The cell was immediately plunged into darkness, proving that there was nothing outside the window after all, no light coming in through it. There was nothing…

Except for a small light on the ground. She kept her grip on the broom handle firm, not wanting to drop it and lose it, shuffling across the pitch black, bending over to investigate. One of the symbols on one of the cards had a faint green glow to it. She didn’t know what it was, even whether it was a letter or a number, but she added it to her little collection of objects, turning around and stumbling back across the cell, fumbling to hit the light switch outside again.

She got lucky, only missing a few times before it worked. She blinked, getting used to the light again, peering down at the card and seeing that it was the Queen. She traced the symbol in the corner of the card that had been glowing, making one more round of the cell, looking at the graffiti, comparing it all to what was on the card until she found a match, tentatively reaching out, giving the brick it was on a push…

The brick slid into the wall, revealing a space carved into the brick beneath it. Nestled inside that was a large, metal key, exactly the kind she’d expect to open the cell door. “I did it!” she squealed. Despite everything, despite how dumb this place had made her, despite how much of a baby it had been treating her like, she’d solved it, all on her own.

Maybe, she thought to herself with a smile, things weren’t as hopeless as she’d thought… She’d always felt so ditzy next to Julianne… But maybe she wasn’t as stupid as she’d assumed, if she was still capable of this, despite everything the nursery had done to her…

Her fingers closed around the key and she picked it up proudly, lifting it into the air, and she felt another tug as she whooshed back out of the doll’s body, back to her own…

Serena turned around, wiping her damp chin, blushing, knowing she must have been drooling all over herself, although she was very grateful to be back in a diaper that was only wet. Her head felt so much clearer now… In fact, as she got her bearings back, she glanced down at her diaper, the warmth in her cheeks intensifying as she saw, at last, what they said.

‘Brainless Baby Brat.’ It was, she supposed, not entirely inaccurate… Or, it hadn’t been. There was definitely still some fog in her mind, so she didn’t think she was fully restored by any means, but at least she could read again… And, presumably, her potty training was back, too, in that case. She didn’t want to get too cocky about it, knowing how easy it would be to lose all that again if she got lured into another trap here, yet it felt like a major victory in the moment.

And then she saw Serena, awkwardly pulling herself across the floor, hands clasped tightly together. “What, uh…?” Alecia frowned. “What are you doing? Did you get your mittens glued together or something?”

She wasn’t sure what did it, if those same instincts would have kicked in if she hadn’t broken through part of the curse that had drained her brain, but, as she was now, there was no mistaking the look of panic that came over the girl. “Serena,” Alecia’s eyes narrowed. “What are you up to?”

“I-I’m sorry,” Serena shook her head, starting to open up her hands. “I’m just doing what I have to do…”


Serena was holding on by a thread, knowing she was moments away from having another orgasm, and that, if it happened before she got close enough to Alecia, those suppositories were probably all going to target her. So there really was no time to explain, to try to make Alecia see reason… All she could do was let them go and scamper away, and hope the cheerleader was distracted enough by all that not to see her getting off…

Unfortunately, Alecia was faster than her, lunging forward, clamping her hands on either side of the mittens, keeping them closed. “Serena!” she scolded. “What is going on?!”

“Just let me do it!” Serena moaned, trying to thrash free of Alecia’s grip, only for the girl to push her backwards, sending her toppling onto her back, following her and sitting down right on her stomach to pin her in place.

“Serena, you are going to tell me what you’re up to right this minute,” Alecia demanded, “or else…”

But it was too late. The extra pressure on Serena’s tummy was too much, and she let out a gasp as she felt her diaper starting to fill again… And, as her attention turned to that, she stopped concentrating on resisting the vibrator’s siren call, another, far more pleasant, sensation coming over her at the same time, her mind confused, not knowing how to react, what to do, as it was caught in the middle of the humiliation of pooping her pants, and the ecstasy of an orgasm, all at the same time, her moans and grunts melting into one another as she writhed on the floor…

“Serena!” Alecia looked disgusted, hopping off of her. “Oh, my God!”

Which did she realize Serena was doing, or did she know it was both? Serena wasn’t sure which possibility was worse… And this was bad, right? She felt like it should be… But, if she was being honest with herself, that wasn’t how it felt… If anything, this felt even better than the first time she’d succumbed to the vibrator… That couldn’t be right, though… What was this place doing to her?!

In Alecia’s hurry to get away from her, she’d forgotten about what Serena was hiding… And Serena almost did, too, to be fair, thanks to her distractions. As she panted and blushed, however, she caught sight of her hands, and, with a giggle, she opened them up, watching the suppositories take flight, zooming towards the cheerleader.

“Whoa, what are..?” Alecia ducked out of the way, squinting. “What the hell are those?!”

Serena couldn’t have answered even if she wanted to, in the throes of passion and mortification, barely able to register what was going on as she got to see Alecia swatting aside one of the suppositories as it headed for the waistband of her diaper. “Get away from there!” she ordered, stepping back, trying to keep an eye on all of them as they buzzed around her. “Serena, what are these things? Why do they want in my diaper?!”

Being able to stand up, and having full use of her hands, did help Alecia as she dodged them, but Serena knew it wouldn’t last forever… They seemed to be learned, splitting up, a couple flying behind the girl while they thought she was paying attention only to the two in front of her. Serena could see Alecia’s gaze flickering back towards her, and her diaper, putting together what was happening there with what she saw attacking her…

“Seriously, Alecia?!” she fumed. “I told you, I don’t want to get my diaper changed! Maybe you’re happy being like that, but I’m going home!”

“I-It’s not so bad…” Serena managed to gasp out as she finished up, too tired to get up or try to explain herself yet.

“Yeah, I’m sure you don’t think so…” Alecia eyed her. “But I don’t want this! I don’t want to stay here!”

Serena didn’t either, of course… Or she didn’t think she did, anyway… She hadn’t, would have never even considered it, until this… Now, there was definitely a part of her that wondered what she’d been missing out on… That was glad that, despite how full her diaper was feeling, it seemed clear, looking at it from the outside, that they weren’t going to be considered full enough to earn her a change yet…

Alecia side-stepped the suppositories again, then dived back towards Serena, sitting down on her stomach again. Serena blushed as her vision was filled with the sight of the girl’s soggy diaper, completely blocking her view of what Alecia was doing. She did feel the girl’s hands closing around the waistband of all three layers of her diaper, however, giving them a tug…

“There!” Alecia shouted. “If you want to go in a diaper, go in there!”

And, sure enough, they did, following the path of least resistance, zooming their way into the easiest diaper they had access to, while Serena was pinned beneath Alecia, unable to do anything about it. “Alecia!” she wailed, kicking her feet, feeling the suppositories wriggle their way inside of her bottom… But she couldn’t deny that there was a warmth building between her legs at the thought that she might be not that far off from a repeat performance…

“No!” Alecia snapped, standing up and rolling Serena over onto her stomach with her foot before grabbing her by the ear, hauling her onto all fours with it. “I’ve had enough of you… I don’t know what you’re up to, but I clearly can’t trust you, and I can’t afford to let you try to sabotage me again!”

“I-I wasn’t…” Serena pouted, helplessly struggling to crawl fast enough to keep up with Alecia’s pace, her eyes widening as she saw they were headed towards the playpen, the gate swinging open invitingly as they approached. “I-If you’d listen…”

“I don’t think so,” Alecia told her, shoving her through the gate. “You can stay in here until I figure out how to get out of this place, and then if you want to stay here and be a baby forever, you can… But I’m going home.”

“Alecia!” Serena gasped, scrambling frantically forward, her massive, messy diaper slowing her down too much to make it before the gate swung closed, latching itself automatically, trapping her inside.

“Good luck with that,” the woman’s voice chuckled from overhead. “You’re down to fifteen minutes now, little ones… Do you really think that’s enough time to get away on your own?”

What should Alecia do?

Look at the ring toys?
Investigate the toy box?
Check out the coloring books?
Investigate the jack in the box?
Go down the slide?
Climb into the tunnels?
Or ask for a hint?

And what should Serena do?

Try to find a way out of the playpen?
Enjoy her diapers a little more in the privacy of the playpen?
Try to ask for a change to see if the woman will take mercy on her?
Or ask for a hint?

This decision has already been made, but if you’d like to catch up on the story, and help decide where it goes next, you can find it, and other exclusive stories, at my Patreon!

The Stepdaughter – Chapter 24

The Stepdaughter – Chapter 24

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Janet grumbled under her breath. This was letting Bernice see her even longer, giving her more chances to take pictures and videos to show her former co-workers, and admitting to her that she was little better than a toddler, needing her help… But she knew that she did.

What was she going to do against those college students on her own?! She was no match for them like this. Maybe, on a normal day, out of diapers, she could have threatened to go get a lifeguard or something, and tell them about how her seat had been stolen, and that might be enough to send them scattering, but now… There was no way she was going to intimidate them when she was crawling around in a dirty diaper, unable to so much as stand up.

“Wait!” she called out, crawling desperately towards Bernice, trying not to lose her in the crowd. Down on her hands and knees, it was hard to get a good view of anything more than a bunch of feet and legs. “Bernice, hold on!” she cried, not knowing, for sure, if the woman could hear or, or was bothering to listen, though she took out her pacifier to give herself the best chance.

Thankfully, after a few tense moments, weaving her way through the sea of legs, she found a couple pairs that weren’t moving, glancing up to find Bernice there, arms crossed, looking down at her. “What, Janet?” she asked. “There’s nothing you’re going to do, or say, that’s going to make me delete those pictures.”

“I know, I know,” Janet shook her head, trying to get to her feet, to feel a little less overwhelmed by the height difference between them, only to be thwarted by her diaper’s bulk. She whined, holding up her hand, attempting to get help, but Bernice left her hanging, forcing her to stay on the ground, helpless.

“Then what do you want?” Bernice demanded.

Janet blushed, removing the pacifier once more, and wishing it was still there for her to nibble anxiously on. “I-I need your help with something else,” she admitted.

“I told you, I don’t have any spare diapers,” Bernice reminded her. “I can’t change you.”

“Th-That’s not it, either!” Janet insisted, no matter how nice a clean, fresh diaper sounded, despite who it came from, at this point.

“Well, I’m not sure what else I can do for you,” Bernice said.

“I-I need your Mommy skills,” Janet mumbled.

“For what?” Bernice arched an eyebrow. “And why can’t your Mommy do it?”

“It’s complicated!” Janet sighed. “But I need you to do it, or I could be in really big trouble…”

“You don’t think you’re already going to be in trouble for making such a big mess in your Pampers?” Bernice teased.

Janet cheeks darkened further. “Th-They already know that… B-But I was supposed to stay in my beach chair, a-and when I was up and talking to you, it got stolen, a-and…”

“What?” Bernice knelt down, finally looking Janet in the face, rather than forcing her to crane her neck upwards to see hers. “You don’t think they’re going to take you seriously? I can’t imagine why not…” She gave the other woman’s giant diaper a swat. “And why should I do this for you?”

That was the part Janet hadn’t worked out yet… She really had nothing to offer Bernice. She already had evidence of this to show off to the other people at the office, and she could easily do that at any time, with no need for Janet’s permission. Janet didn’t work with her anymore, so she couldn’t suggest covering shifts for her, or looking the other way if she wanted to duck out early, or anything… Harrison’s wealth might have come in handy, but Janet had none of it with her, even her checkbook, and there was no reason for Bernice to believe she’d follow through on paying her off later.

“W-Well…” Janet’s mind raced. “Umm…”

To her surprise, it was the woman’s daughter who spoke up next. “But Mommy!” she tugged at the woman’s hand. “She’s just a baby… Wouldn’t it be mean for us not to help her?”

Janet didn’t like that Melba had said ‘us’, as if she was so much more grown-up and mature than Janet that it was her responsibility to look after her, too, but, with nothing better to say herself, she stayed silent, nodding. Bernice glared at her, eyes narrowing, then softened as she turned back towards the little girl. “That’s a very good point, sweetie,” she said. “We’d be almost as bad as the bullies if we didn’t help stand up for the people they’re picking on, wouldn’t we? All right, Janet, where’s your chair?”

Janet held her hand up again, and, reluctantly, Bernice took it this time, helping her to her feet, keeping ahold of it so Janet could toddle her way back around the pool. Janet felt bad, hogging Bernice’s hand, the other carrying her bag, and leaving Melba to walk on her own, but she stuck close to her mother, not appearing to mind, probably thinking it was obvious that the one still in diapers needed more attention. Janet wished that wasn’t true, not knowing how many years she had on the kid, other than that it could be measured in decades, surely; unfortunately, it was, at least at the moment. She was glad when they approached the destination, and she could point out her beach chair, still occupied, hopefully bringing an end to this humiliation.

“Excuse me?” Bernice said loudly, in her best ‘mom’ voice, one that made even Janet squirm. “Is this your chair?”

Janet saw one of the girls wince, her cheeks turning a bit pink, but the others didn’t look bothered at all, probably thinking that they were too old to be intimidated by some random lady with two kids. “Yeah,” the other girl spoke up, “it is. Do you have some problem with that?”

Janet was definitely glad she hadn’t come here on her own… The girl was tall, young, pretty, confident… Next to her, Janet wouldn’t have stood a chance, diaper or not. Bernice, on the other hand, didn’t miss a beat.

“You do know this is the shallow end, don’t you?” she sniffed. “This area is mostly for kids, and their mothers… Do you feel good about taking up one of the few empty seats around here from them? Poor Janet here has been waddling around in a dirty diaper for quite a while now because I can’t find anywhere to sit and change her!”

Janet blushed, not liking that Bernice had used her real name, or was bringing that up, staring down at her feet bashfully.

“I should make one of you do it,” Bernice threatened, although Janet wasn’t sure if that was meant to be more scary for her or them. “Do you not know how to swim? Is that why you’re down here? Or do you just like making things more difficult for people who are already trying to wrangle their children, and keep an eye on them, and…?”

“Let’s just move,” one of the boys spoke up.

“No,” the girl snapped. “We have as much of a right to be here as she does… If we wanted, we could take up a whole row of chairs, but we’re being nice and only using one.”

“W-Well,” the other, quiet, girl pointed out, “th-there was only one…”

“Shut up, Daisy,” her friend glared at her. “Maybe we don’t know how to swim. What would you say to that? Do you think we deserve to have to go over to the deep end and risk drowning so you can change your little baby’s diaper in peace?”

“I think,” Bernice stepped closer, voice growing a bit chillier, “that maybe some time in diapers might do you some good, too, young lady. You see her?” Bernice gave Janet’s bottom a swat, nearly making her tumble over until she grabbed her hand again. “She used to be a uppity little brat like you, too… Take a good look; she isn’t a toddler. I could do the same to you… Is that what you want?”

Janet’s stomach churned, the attention of the college kids firmly on her now, studying her face, probably having mostly overlooked her until now. She knew that it hadn’t been Bernice who had done this to her, but they didn’t…

“You wouldn’t dare,” the girl smirked.

But all Bernice had to do was start to reach into her bag to send even her scrambling. “F-Fine!” she huffed, gathering up her things. “It’s boring over here anyway!”

“It’s too bad I don’t actually have any diapers with me,” Bernice chuckled, watching them scurry off. “That actually might have been fun. But, here you go.” She set Janet down in the beach chair. “All yours.”

“Th-Thank you,” Janet blushed. “I-I don’t know what I would have done without you…”

“Well, it wouldn’t have been very nice of me to leave a baby like you to defend herself,” Bernice shrugged, setting her bag down next to the seat. “I guess that really is what you are, huh? Maybe I should stay here and look after you until your Mommy comes back.”

“N-No, you don’t have to do that!” Janet answered automatically, shaking her head, though, a moment later, visions of Bernice possibly giving Hazel and Kenzi the same dressing down she’d used on those college kids began dancing through her mind. That would certainly be entertaining… Of course, that also ran the risk of her telling them who Janet really was, and she still wasn’t sure if that would be a good thing or not.

“Hmm,” Bernice raised an eyebrow. “Well, is there anything else you need, while I’m here, then? It doesn’t look like you have anything to drink, and I wouldn’t want you getting dehydrated.”

Janet bit her bottom lip, hating how much she was missing her paci, and waiting for the moment when she could stop talking and pop it back in. She glanced down at Bernice’s bag, sitting right next to the beach chair… The phone was right inside. Would Bernice take the bag with her, if she sent her off on a little errand? Or would she leave it there, and give Janet a chance to dispose of the evidence, however she could? She might have accidentally made the best choice she could have, asking for the woman’s help…

But was it really worth it? She was on Bernice’s good side now, to some extent… Should she really run the risk of changing that? She knew the threats against the college kids had been empty, however, that didn’t mean the woman wouldn’t find some way to make her miserable if she realized Janet was trying to play her.

“Come on, Janet,” Bernice said. “I know Melba is anxious to get in the pool, so if you don’t need anything, I’d like to get to that.”

“Hold on,” Janet’s mind was furiously running through the possibilities. Getting a drink would probably require some money, and Bernice had to be keeping that in her bag… Maybe Janet would be able to snag the phone before she left, but that would be risky. The vending machines weren’t terribly close, so if she pulled it off, she’d have a little time with the phone.

Then again, there was still the towel… It would be nice to be able to hide her diaper with it, and she could truthfully tell Zella she hadn’t gotten it herself… And there would be no reason for Bernice to take the bag with her to get it. It wasn’t that far away, though, so if she did that, there wouldn’t be time to try to guess the woman’s passcode or anything… She’d have to toss it into the pool if she wanted to be certain to stop Bernice from showing off the picture.

Or… Maybe she should take Bernice up on her offer, have her stick around and talk to Hazel and Kenzi. She had no idea how that conversation was going to go, but it might be worth a shot… Or it could end up making things at home even worse.

She looked up at Bernice, seeing her impatience starting to show, knowing she had to make a decision soon. What should she do?

Ask for Bernice to get her a drink, and try to sneak the phone out of her bag?

Ask Bernice to fetch the towel for her, and throw the phone into the pool?

Ask Bernice to wait with her until Hazel and Kenzi get back?

Or tell Bernice she’s fine as she is, and to go enjoy her time at the pool with Melba?

This decision has already been made, but if you’d like to catch up on the story, and help decide where it goes next, you can find it, and other exclusive stories, at my Patreon!

I Know What You Did Last Halloween – Chapter 4

I Know What You Did Last Halloween – Chapter 4

“No way,” Kassidy shook her head. Things were bad enough already… She needed every advantage she could get if she was going to have any hope of stopping herself from making them ten times worse. “I’m going to leave, and you girls can have your stupid party without me. Happy Halloween, I guess.”

“I don’t think you understand, Kassi,” Susie grabbed her by the arm, stopping her in her tracks. “That wasn’t the choice.”

“What do you expect?” Shelly butted in. “She’s just a dumb little baby!”

“Hey!” Kassidy gasped as her former friend grabbed her by the arms from behind, lifting her up off the floor. Her legs flailed, diaper crinkling, as she tried to break loose, while Susie knelt down, easily avoiding the now smaller girl’s kicking feet, feeding them into the plastic pants. “Stop it! This isn’t fair!”

“Aww,” Susie smirked. “NOW you’re worried about fairness? A little late now, baby girl.”

She slid the plastic pants up Kassidy’s legs, letting the waistband snap shut over top of the bulky diaper. Instantly, Kassidy could feel even more heat trapped around her crotch, could feel herself beginning to sweat, as Susie pulled the chain in the waistband tight, slipping the lock through. “Susie, no!” Kassidy whimpered. “I-I’ll be good! I-I’ll go get the candy!”

“Yes,” Susie agreed. “I know you will… Because you’re definitely going to be wanting that change before long.” And, with a grin, she pushed the lock shut. It clicked, Kassidy squeaking in response as if she’d been shot, grabbing at it even before Shelly set her down, feeling the weight of it, knowing she wasn’t getting it off without the key.

She was going to poop her pants; that was all there was to it. There was no way she was going to be able to get enough candy before the laxatives kicked in… And now, getting out of her diaper would be impossible. In a way, the stool softeners might be a blessing in disguise, keeping her from having to wonder if it was worth holding it, from worrying about it too much… But she doubted she’d feel that way afterwards.

“No fair!” Kassidy repeated, stomping her foot.

“Go on,” Susie urged. “Throw your little tantrum… It isn’t going to do you any good. Nothing is going to happen until you come back with a full bucket… And diaper. I’d get going now if I were you, but…” She shrugged. “That’s up to you.”

Kassidy shot her a dirty look, though she knew the girl was right. She wasn’t going to change their minds, wasn’t going to accomplish anything, here… She wouldn’t have let anyone get away with that last year, so it definitely wasn’t going to happen now. She had to play their – or, rather, her – stupid game first.

She took the bucket with a pout, stomping her way out of the room, listening to her squadmates, and potential future squadmates, giggle and gush about how cute she was, bursting out onto the rest of campus. It was a little disorienting, seeing it all from her new perspective, everything – and everyone – looking so much bigger, even more than she would have expected.

That was partially why she didn’t consider simply walking to her car, driving to the nearest convenience store, and buying a couple bags of candy. Walking around like this was strange enough… She was worried she’d have too hard a time getting used to driving that way, and would risk getting into an accident or something. Not to mention, with everything else Susie had done, she wouldn’t have been surprised if the girl would know she took a shortcut.

There were houses near the campus, too, and they might have been a slightly safer bet, but they’d also take more time… She didn’t harbor any delusions that, if she stayed on campus, she’d fill her bucket before her pants, yet she did have to take into account that she’d have to walk back to the party afterwards, and the walk was going to be much longer if she left the school grounds.

So, diaper securely locked into place, and far too visible, no matter how hard she tugged at the hem of her dress, she made her way to the closest dorm, waddling and crinkling all the while, cheeks glowing anytime she even spotted another student, wondering if they knew who she was, if they’d seen her cheering at the football games, only to now see her like this.

There was no doubt about that once she knocked at her first door. “Oh, my God!” the girl who answered exclaimed, towering over the tiny cheerleader. “Marcy, look who it is!”

“Tr-Trick or treat,” Kassidy mumbled, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible, while the other girl in the room hopped down off her bed, her sleep shorts emphasizing her long legs, reminding Kassidy of what she’d lost.

“So cute!” she squealed. “But, sweetie, did you forget? You’re supposed to wear a costume!”

Kassidy blushed, listening to the roommates laugh at her. She knew they were only teasing her – or hoped so, at any rate – but she couldn’t help herself. “I am!” she stomped her foot.

“She must be all mixed up,” the first girl nodded. “She spends so much time running around in her little cheerleader costume, I bet she forgot that’s all it was.”

Marcy snickered, pointing at Kassidy’s diaper. “Well, it’s no surprise… See? It says right there that she’s a dumb little baby!”

“No, I’m not!” Kassidy whined. “C-Can I just have some candy?”

“That must be there to remind her,” the other girl giggled. “Doesn’t seem to have done any good, though… She probably doesn’t know how to read.”

“Yes, I do!” Kassidy growled. This was taking far too long… And she didn’t even know if they were going to help fill her bucket! If every stop was this bad, she’d be here all weekend! “Trick or treat!” she repeated, shoving her bucket towards them insistently.

“I’m not convinced,” Marcy shook her head. “Why don’t you prove it? I take a kids’ lit class, so I have something here that’s probably your speed.”

She stepped over to her desk, digging through piles of books and coming up with a board book, clearly for toddlers, about a cute, little, blonde witch, who didn’t look much more mature than her target audience. “Read us a page of this out loud, and you can have some candy.”

“Forget it,” Kassidy rolled her eyes, frustrated.

“Aww, you made her grumpy!” the other girl said, as Kassidy stormed off.

“She probably just needs a change!” Marcy told her, and the two of them laughed, Kassidy moving further and further down the hall, away from them, waiting for them to finish before knocking on another door.

“Aww,” the girl who answered that one exclaimed, seeing her, bending down to pinch her cheeks. “You’re so precious! It’s good to see you embracing who you are!”

“I’m not!” Kassidy pulled away, pout. “I mean, it isn’t! I’m trick or treating!”

“Not very well,” the girl observed, looking at Kassidy’s empty bucket. “Sorry, sweetie, but I don’t have any candy… I’m waiting for tomorrow to buy some. You can come back then, if you want!”

That was going to be much too late, so Kassidy moved on again, feeling disturbed that everyone was recognizing her so easily, and clearly knew about her diapers, the ones she’d supposedly been wearing for as long as she’d been here, even if in only one version of her memories. Whatever Susie had done, it had spread to the whole campus…

She visited the rest of the floor, to varying success. Everyone looked so gigantic compared to her, and seemed to feel like they had to comment on her outfit. They weren’t making fun of her, the way she’d assumed people had last year… They were treating it like it was completely normal, which was much worse, in its own way. Some of them had candy, at least, and didn’t make her jump through hoops for it like the first room.

It was still slow going, however. Not many people seemed to expect trick or treaters… Not here, anyway. It made sense, she supposed… She’d never had any herself, while she was living in the dorm. There were some more traditional apartments on campus, though, and she could see the people who lived there being more used to handing out candy. She probably should have started with them in the first place, honestly, but this was one part of the scheme from the previous year she hadn’t put that much thought into, hadn’t had to… It didn’t matter to her where the girls got the candy, as long as they did. Judging by what she’d managed so far here, it would be worth it to head to the apartments, instead of to the next floor of this building.

As she made her way back towards the entrance, Marcy called out. “Offer still stands, Kassi,” she told her as she toddled past. “Prove you can read, and we’ll give you some candy!”

Kassidy winced, hating this confirmation that the girl knew exactly who she was, taking away any hope she’d had that she might be confusing her for someone else. “I do,” she spat. “And I’m not going to prove it for one piece of candy!”

“One piece, huh?” Marcy ducked inside, then turned back, holding a giant plastic cauldron filled with treats, one Kassidy hadn’t even noticed sitting beside the door, she’d been so anxious her first time at their room. “We might be able to spare a bit more than that…”

Kassidy stopped in her tracks; this could be the answer to her prayers! That was more than enough to fill her bucket… She could take that, and be on her way back to Susie in the time it took her to read one page of a picture book… Her tummy was hurting a little, but if she read fast enough, then maybe she’d make it before she had an accident…

“Fine,” she gave in. “Give me the stupid book.”

“Come on, Patty!” Marcy grinned, ushering Kassidy inside. “It’s story time!” The two sat down on one of their beds, cauldron of candy between them, positioning Kassidy in front of them with the book. “All right,” she urged. “Show us what you got.”

Kassidy stared down at the book, starting to question her decision, then, with a sigh, opened it up. “‘Sierra tries her very best,'” she read out loud, “‘but she always has lots of problems, with her spells, and her potty training, and everything in between!'”

“Sounds like someone else,” Patty teased. “Are you sure this book isn’t about you, Kassi?”

“Oh, yeah,” Marcy chuckled. “They just changed ‘cheerleading’ to ‘magic’ to make it less obvious.”

“I don’t have any trouble with my cheerleading!” Kassidy informed them grumpily. She wished she could say the same about her potty training, but that was only true in one version of her memories, and it seemed pretty clear it wasn’t the one that lined up with what these girls knew about her.

“Sounds like a fib to me,” Patty told her. “And we don’t give out candy to fibbers. Why don’t you prove it?”

“Seriously?!” Kassidy glowered. “I did what you wanted! I read a page! I know how to read! Will you just..?!”

“No, she’s right,” Marcy agreed. “We don’t want to encourage you to tell lies.”

“I’m not!” Kassidy insisted, but they refused to listen, and she knew that the longer she argued about this, the more chance there was of her pooping her pants in front of them. She’d already come this far… She might as well prove them wrong so she could get her candy and leave.

She’d been cheering for years, and was quite good at it, in her own opinion at least. Unfortunately, in this case, the predominant memories were the ones from the life where she hadn’t been struggling to keep her diapers hidden at the same time, so, as she launched into a simple cheer to show she could do it, she was completely thrown off by the bulky diaper between her legs, making her movements clumsy and not at all impressive. By the end, even she wasn’t sure she’d accomplished what she’d set out to do.

“I guess that’s close enough,” Patty shrugged. She picked up a piece of candy, dropping it into the bucket at Kassidy’s feet. “Good job!”

“B-But Marcy said…” Kassidy protested, staring greedily at the cauldron. She’d read from the book, she’d done a cheer… She’d absolutely earned more than one pitiful piece of candy!

“I said you could have more,” Marcy acknolwedged. “I didn’t say you wouldn’t have to work for them, though. You can have one more piece for each page you read.”

“B-But that isn’t…!” Kassidy fumed. Marcy hadn’t specified, however… Kassidy should have known better than to assume the best. She looked down at the book, trying to guess how many pages were left, if this was worth it or not. “Fine,” she sighed, turning to the next one.

It was kind of a strange little book, one that Kassidy had to assume was for toddler struggling with their own potty training. The witch in it was trying to celebrate Halloween, but, despite being a witch, every little thing scared her, and always made her have an accident. Knowing her own diaper was wet, and more likely to be messy the longer she spent here, every time she read about that, she blushed a bit deeper, stumbling over her words a hair more.

The weird thing was, if this was meant for kids, that the witch never got any better. She always made excuses, and disobeyed her Mommy and wore big girl panties instead of her diapers, and then got spanked for wetting them, but, in the end, the message wasn’t that she needed to believe in herself, or keep trying… It seemed to be that she needed to accept her place, because she wound up in diapers, and locking mittens, so she couldn’t take them off.

“Such a good story,” Marcy said.

“And one some people could take to heart,” Patty added pointedly.

Kassidy didn’t feel like arguing the point, the whole thing make her feel odd. True to their word, she’d gotten a piece of candy for every page of the book, which had helped, though still didn’t fill her bucket. There was plenty more in the cauldron, but she really didn’t feel like spending any more time around these girls, or seeing what else they might have in mind for her to earn more.

“Th-Thanks,” she mumbled, picking up her bucket, heading for the door.

Marcy beat her there, standing between her and it. “Hold it,” she ordered. “It’s past curfew now… We can’t let you go out there. You could get hurt, or lost!”

Kassidy didn’t know what they were up to, and didn’t want to. “Yeah, right,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid, I know there isn’t a curfew.”

Did they know? Had they head her tumble rumbling during the story, seen her starting to squirm, feeling the pressure starting to build, knowing that, at any moment, something disastrous was about to happen? She’d done her best to hide it, but that might not have been enough.

Marcy didn’t budge. Kassidy nibbled her bottom lip, glancing from girl to girl, one in front of her, the other still sitting on the bed, watching with amusement. She was no match for them… Either one was big enough that they could have made her do anything they wanted. The two of them together? She didn’t stand a chance…

“I hafta go get more candy!” she whined, bouncing in place. “You don’t understand!”

“Candy, candy, candy,” Marcy shook her head, stepping forward. “Is that all you think about?”

Kassidy took her chance as Marcy approached, diving under her legs and grabbing for the doorknob, fumbling with it just long enough to make her heart beat a little faster before she got it open, racing out into the hall, and out of the dorm.

It would have been nice to take a moment to calm down, but she knew that every second she spent not heading to the apartments was another second she was going to be trick or treating in a dirty diaper. It was definitely coming, at any time… She could feel the early warnings, knew it was inevitable…

Her theory was proven correct, the first apartment she stopped at handing out candy without missing a beat, only asking, “You’re a bit late, aren’t you? You’re not out here by yourself, I hope.”

“N-No,” she lied. “Th-Thanks!”

She scurried on to the next door, and the next, some of them commenting that they’d thought trick or treating was over, but none seeming too surprised to see her, or unprepared. She wasn’t sure if there were enough apartments for her to fill her bucket entirely here, though she was starting to feel confident she’d make a decent dent in it.

She knocked on the next door, feeling about as good as she could, all things considered, already saying, “Trick or..!” before it was completely open.

She stopped, at first, because she saw who was on the other side, knew there was no way he wouldn’t recognize her. “J-Jake?” she blushed, staring right up into the eyes of the quarterback.

They’d dated, of course – it was only natural, him being the star of the team, her being the best cheerleader, even before she’d been voted head cheerleader – but they’d broken up the previous year, and she hadn’t kept track of where he was living now. Her face burned, feeling a warmth between her legs, too, that had nothing to do with the bulky diaper and crinkly plastic pants, remembering all the nights they’d spent together, seeing his bed right behind him, before recalling what she looked like now, how she was dressed.

“Oh, hey,” he gave her his goofy smile. “What were you saying?”

Kassidy swallowed, flustered. This was so dumb, so childish… She didn’t want to do this now, with him… But, if he was like his neighbors, and had candy, surely he’d be willing to help her out. And his roommate, behind him, on his phone, didn’t seem like he’d care. “Tr-Trick or…” she tried again.

That time, however, she was interrupted by something far worse. Faint rumblings were replaced by a sudden cramp, and, in the time it took for a wave of panic to cross her face, and for her to think about how she was going to do everything in her power to hold it until Jake’s door was closed, her knees began to bend automatically.

“N-No,” she gasped out loud, hearing a rude noise emanating from beneath her diaper. “N-Not now…” But it was already happening, her muscles refusing to comply, the soft, squishy mass already pushing its way out. The diaper crinkled, expanding to contain it, swelling outwards as she felt the mush pour out of her, faster and faster, paying no mind to her attempts to stop it, or where she was.

“Still having trouble with that, huh?” Jake commented nonchalantly. “At least it isn’t during a game this time, huh?”

No way… No matter how bad her problems might be, she’d never messed herself during a game, or in front of him… That was too much to imagine, despite the fuzzy memories of doing exactly that starting to filter into her mind.

“Sorry, Kass,” he shrugged. “I know I’m your favorite babysitter, but I don’t have any extra diapers here.”

“N-No!” Kassidy grunted, another muddy surge coming, just when she thought she was done, having to set the record straight anyway. “W-We were dating! Y-You weren’t…”

“Oh, right,” he gave her a patronizing wink, like he might if she was a four year old with the same delusion. “Of course we were.”

Those memories she’d had of her time with him, of his mouth on hers, of the long nights they’d spent together, started to fade, replaced with him changing her diapers, giving her baths, of her lusting after him, imagining that one day he’d see her as more than a baby… But, obviously, nothing had ever happened between them, or even come close.

“I-I gotta…” she shook her head, desperate to get away from him, as if that would stop what was happening in her mind. “I-I should…” She started to shuffle away, wrinkling her nose as she felt the mess in her diaper shift with her, reminding her anew of what she’d done.

“Wait!” he interrupted. “How, uh… How have you been?”

She started to gesture down at herself, before recalling that, to him, this was pretty normal. “Fine,” she responded with a weary sigh. “I-I…”

“Have you had a nice Halloween?” he asked. “Looks like maybe you got a bit of a late start, huh?”

She wasn’t sure what he was up to… Until she heard a car pull up, turning around to see the dean of students stepping out. He’d been stalling her…

It was hard to remember that, earlier that night, she’d wanted to see the dean, to rub it in his face that she was the one in this costume… Now, as the diaper sagged heavily beneath the dress, he was one of the last people she wanted to run into.

Which, of course, meant he power-walked right towards her, grabbing her by the arm. “Thank you two,” he told the boys in the apartment, “for letting me know about our little curfew breaker.”

“No problem!” Jake’s roommate waved, looking up from his phone at last.

“B-But there isn’t…” Kassidy protested. “I-I wasn’t…”

“I know you think being a cheerleader gets you special privileges,” the dean told her, “but it doesn’t. You still have to follow the rules, young lady!” He pushed her into the back seat of his car, Kassidy squealing and whimpering as her bottom sank into the mush in her pants, feeling it squelch between her legs while he buckled her in.

She was taken to his office, where he’d given her his big lecture the previous year about the party. This time, however, she was handed a pad of paper and a pack of crayons, made to lie on her stomach and write out, “I will not break curfew,” over and over until, finally, she heard a knock on the door.

“I am so sorry about this,” Susie’s voice said from behind her. “I put those locking pants on her because I suspected she was going to try something like this, but I thought they’d do the trick… I guess she couldn’t help herself. Sometimes, the promise of candy is just too much for them.”

“It isn’t your fault,” the dean assured her. “I apologize for interrupting your party for this.”

“You know about the party?!” Kassidy couldn’t help herself. “Why aren’t you going after them for breaking curfew, then?!”

“Because the curfew isn’t for them,” the dean told her. “Now, you’d better hope you don’t find yourself in my office again anytime soon, young lady, or you’ll be getting a lot worse than lines for a punishment.”

Susie led Kassidy by the hand out of the office, back across campus. “Susie, please,” Kassidy begged her. “Y-You have to change things back… I-I don’t know what you did, but the whole world is just… wrong! Please, you hafta make it normal again!”

“Oh, Kassidy,” Susie smiled, as she led Kassidy into her dorm. “I can’t do that, sweetie. You see… The world is normal.” As she said it, they passed the common room, now decorated with nursery tale pictures, a pair of toy boxes overflowing with alphabet blocks and dolls on either side, proving how wrong she was.

“No, it isn’t!” Kassidy insisted.

“Yes,” Susie countered, taking Kassidy to her room. “It is.”

She pushed open the door, Kassidy’s stomach churning at the sight of a pair of cribs inside, instead of beds, a changing table between them. In one crib, her roommate was sleeping soundly, thumb in her mouth, an obvious diaper bulge beneath her tightly tucked in covers, looking as tiny as Kassidy in comparison to Susie.

“You see,” Susie explained, unlocking Kassidy’s plastic pants, but leaving the loaded diaper on the girl as she undressed her, putting her into a footed sleeper instead, “this simply isn’t the world you’re used to. This is a little place some people call the Diaper Dimension… It seemed like the perfect place for you.”

“N-No!” Kassidy sniffed, as the sleeper was zipped up, sealing her inside, trapping her in her dirty diaper for the rest of the night. “I-I wanna go home…”

“I’m sure you do,” Susie nodded, tucking her into her crib. “But I’m afraid I need to go back by the end of the night… And you didn’t do what I asked and fill your candy bucket, so, when I do, you’re going to be fast asleep in your crib, instead. Don’t worry, sweetie… I’m sure you’ll get used to it here in no time! And I have no doubt the version of you from here that took over your body there will be much more pleasant to get along with… I have a feeling I won’t have any trouble getting her to put me on the squad.”

She kissed Kassidy on the forehead, pulling the side of the crib up with an ominous click. “Night-night, Kassi,” she grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to the rest of the squad before I go… I’m sure they won’t kick you off, no matter how much of a clumsy little baby you are now…. You’re too cute of a mascot for them to get rid of entirely.”

“I’m not a mascot!” Kassidy fumed. “I’m the head cheerleader!” But she was too weak and small to even sit up in her bed after how tightly Susie had tucked her in, or to keep herself from releasing another wave of mush into her already messy diaper as the girl waved and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, taking all Kassidy’s hopes of her life returning to normal with her.

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The Invitation

The Invitation

“A college student,” Ashley answered wryly. “I don’t have time to worry about all that this year… Besides, I’m eighteen now; what point is there in getting all dressed up?”

“Seriously?” her friend Yazmin rolled her eyes. “Halloween isn’t just for kids, you know… It only really gets good once you grow up. Candy’s fine and all, but the parties are where it’s at.”

“Yeah,” Ashley scoffed. “I definitely don’t have time for parties, so, like I said, what I’m going to be for Halloween is a good prospective college student who is studying for the big bio exam I have the Monday after.”

And that was her plan, inwardly laughing as the day approached and she heard other students in the cafeteria planning out their costumes in between classes, feeling quite superior, knowing she was taking her education much more seriously than they were. Maybe, like her, they already had their early applications in, and didn’t think it mattered what happened during the rest of their senior year at high school, but she wasn’t going to fall into that trap. Acceptance letters hadn’t gone out yet; her grades were still important, even if she didn’t want to make sure she didn’t get rusty.

All that changed, however, when she went to the Open House at one of the colleges she’d applied to. She’d been there before, of course, but it was one of her top choices, despite being in the same city she already lived in. It would have been nice to get further away, experience new things… It was a good school, however, and she could always choose to live on campus, or get her own apartment, or save the money she would have spent on either for after graduation.

It was nice, getting another look around at what could very well be her new home for the next four years, wondering if the rest of the people in her group had applied already, too, trying to suss out their chances for beating her. Part of her had hoped that, during this visit, maybe she’d get surprised, have someone from admissions present her with her acceptance letter on the spot, but, as nice as the fantasy was, she knew that wasn’t how things worked.

Something else happened while she was there that was just as good, however. Once the tour was over, and she was getting her things together to head back home, she heard a voice saying, “Hey, there… Are you new here?”

She felt her face turn red, swallowing as she hurriedly tugged her cardigan closed, covering the nametag that identified her as a visiting student, stuck to her inner shirt. “Y-Yeah, you could say that,” she replied, turning around, thrilled to have been mistaken as a college student, especially when she got a glimpse of who had done it. It wasn’t that unusual, she knew, since there were people who, thanks to their birthdays, were already in college at her age, though, just from observing during her visits, it felt like college students had a whole different air about them, despite how old they were.

“Cool,” the boy smiled. “I didn’t think I recognized you. My name’s Deon.”

“A-Ashley,” she giggled.

“We’re having a Halloween party this weekend,” he told her. “It’s gonna be incredible… You should come. We can get to know each other a little better there.”

Ashley, of course, said, “S-Sure!”, without any second thought, getting the location from him, glad she’d just had a tour, so she knew which dorm he was talking about. Was she really going to do this, though? Was she going to pretend she was already in college to impress some guy, no matter how hot he was?

“Oh, and costumes are required,” he added, right before they parted ways. “Can’t wait to see what yours is going to be!”

“Y-Yeah,” she chuckled. “Me, neither… I-I mean, I can’t wait for you to see it… I-I know what it is, obviously, but…” She shook her head, making herself shut up. “See you then!”

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I Know What You Did Last Halloween – Chapter 1

I Know What You Did Last Halloween – Chapter 1

Kassidy rolled her eyes as she heard a knock at her dorm door, checking the time on her phone to confirm what she already knew – the girl was late. She sighed, letting the knock ring out again before getting off her bed, stretching her long legs, mostly bare beneath her short shorts, as she slowly strutted over to answer.

“H-Here you go,” the smaller girl squeaked, holding out a shopping bag, face red. Kassidy didn’t take it, waiting expectantly as she stared down at the girl, waiting for an apology that didn’t come until she held her phone up, pointedly checking the time. “S-Sorry!” she exclaimed then. “Th-The store was really busy, a-and…”

“I didn’t ask for excuses,” Kassidy sniffed, grabbing the bag from the girl at last, turning around to saunter back to her bed. She glanced back, letting out a huff when she saw her door still open, the figure still standing there, stupidly. “Well, come in,” she ordered. “Let’s see how you did.”

“Umm…” the girl blushed, scrambling into the room, shutting the door behind her. “B-Before you open it, I-I should tell you…”

“Seriously?” Kassidy shook her head. “You’re late, and you got it wrong? Do you even want to join the cheerleading squad?”

“I do!” the girl nodded. “I-I really, really do!”

“Well, then,” Kassidy spun back around, grabbing the girl by the chin, forcing her to look up from her sneakers, into Kassidy’s face, “I’d better like this, or you can kiss the chance to do that goodbye, little miss… What’s your name again?”

The girl blushed, looking a bit crestfallen that, after everything Kassidy had made her do, the head cheerleader didn’t even remember her name. “Susie,” she replied quietly. “I-It’s Susie…”

“Right,” Kassidy said dismissively. “Let’s see what you got, then, Susie-Q.” She opened the bag, reaching inside, pulling out the first item. There was something familiar about it, although it wasn’t until she’d lifted it clear, and saw what else was inside, that she recognized it, instantly dropping it, cheeks and eyes blazing as she turned to Susie, grabbing her arm and twisting it cruelly. “What the hell is the meaning of this?!”

“Ow!” Susie gasped, tears springing to her eyes. “I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t… Th-The person at the store said…”

“Yeah, right,” Kassidy bent the girl’s arm further, Susie whimpering and squirming as she tried to get away. “So, what, did you want a little revenge? Huh? Is that it? We already had to apologize, and…”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Susie pleaded. “I-I just took what they recommended! I-I can take it back! I-I’m sorry!”

Kassidy sneered, staring down at the powerless girl beneath her, remembering all the trouble she and her squad had gotten in the year before… And reminding herself that Susie hadn’t been there. She was a freshman, which was why she was trying to make the team this year. She let go of her, almost letting an apology slip out, though, since Susie hadn’t gotten her what she requested, it didn’t seem worth it, whether she knew the significance of what she’d gotten instead or not.

“D-Do you want me to return it?” Susie asked, rubbing her arm, tears still shining in her eyes.

“Just get out,” Kassidy rolled her eyes, waving her off.

“D-Do I still have a chance at making the team?” the girl gulped.

Kassidy looked the girl up and down, and, in a moment of uncharacteristic honesty, told her, “You never did.” The girl’s expression almost made her regret it, but, really, what had she expected? Kassidy had been cheerleading since she was old enough to walk, had worked out, watched what she ate, for years… Susie was a scrawny little pipsqueak, cute in a baby sister sort of way, certainly not hot like Kassidy, or the other members of the squad. She’d probably dreamed of being a cheerleader for years, and never got up the courage to try out until college, when she’d decided she wanted a fresh start, to try all the things she’d never done before… As if cheerleading was some hobby she could get into now, rather than a way of life.

“B-But I-I’ve been running errands for you for weeks!” Susie’s hands balled up into fists, her sneakered foot stomping.

“And you didn’t do very well at that, either,” Kassidy shrugged. “Bye-bye. Have a good life.”

Susie looked like she wanted to say something more, her mouth opening and closing, once or twice, but, in the end, she stormed off, slamming the door behind her. It was too bad Kassidy was losing her little gofer, but there was always more… Besides, it was almost the time of year where she had to finalize who actually got into the squad.

She turned back to the bag, her stomach lurching slightly as she saw what was inside again. That timing was the whole reason for the party she’d thrown last year… The one that had nearly gotten her kicked out. She hardly thought it was fair; she knew the frats and sororities had way harsher hazing rituals, despite the rules against them. Maybe she’d been a bit too public with it, or, more likely, the girls who hadn’t gotten in, even after what she’d put them through, were sore losers.

This was definitely the same dress she’d had them all wear, though, and, beneath it, all the accessories were the same, too… That was quite the coincidence. And maybe that was all it was… She hadn’t found the costume herself, one of the other members of her squad, Shelly, had, and had suggested they make the girls trying out wear them. Kassidy had come up with the idea for the party, however, had really latched onto it and ran with it. She didn’t think all of this stuff had been included in the original costume, that they’d had to find some of it elsewhere, but perhaps she was misremembering.

Part of her almost wished she’d kept Susie around a little longer, had forced her to wear it instead; it would certainly suit her more. Of course, the dean had threatened to expel Kassidy if he saw anybody else wearing that costume on campus. Kassidy could have claimed Susie picked it out herself, and hadn’t known any better – which would have been true, in a sense – but then, if Susie backed her up, Kassidy probably would have had to let her onto the squad to keep her from going back and telling the truth.

And, really… Maybe it was better this way. It was embarrassing, obviously, but she could probably rock it. She’d worked hard on her body, and was proud of it, and, if anyone could make it look good, she knew it would be her. The dean could hardly be mad at her if she was the one he saw in it, since it wasn’t like she’d forced herself to put it on as initiation… The thought almost made her want to strut past his office in it, revel in the fact that he couldn’t do anything about it…

She didn’t have anything else to wear, anyway. “Whatever,” she said out loud, stripping out of her outfit, and picking up the dress. It was pretty simple, a light pink babydoll dress with an empire waist, a big, white bow in the middle of the chest, and tiny, cap sleeves. The skirt was short enough to leave the majority of her panties exposed after she slipped into it… But that wasn’t what she was going to be wearing underneath.

She paused, staring down at what she’d have on instead. Was she actually going to go through with this?! It wasn’t really a costume without it, just her showing off her legs, and her undies… Although, to be fair, wasn’t that what Halloween was all about? She reached out, pushing a finger into the folded-up garment, hearing it crinkle just as loud as the bag it was sitting it. She could still remember all the prospective new cheerleaders toddling around in them, and the sound they’d made… It was like being in a daycare…

And now, she was going to be one of them. Except, this time, she’d be the only one. She was nearly positive now the costume hadn’t originally come with these, that there had been some little cloth thing that looked more like a bikini bottom, and would have been completely non-functional… But she must be wrong about that. How else would Susie have gotten the exact same kind?

Maybe they weren’t; it was hard to judge, since they were pure white, no decorations of any kind, which almost made them more infantile. They looked the same, sounded the same, appeared to be the same thickness… But there wasn’t that much to go on to confirm that her sneaking suspicion was correct.

Of course, for the party, all the girls had been ordered not to wear anything underneath, since that would defeat the purpose. She had no real reason to follow those rules, so she kept her skimpy panties on as she spread the thing out, sitting down on it, blushing as she sank into the soft padding, feeling it caress her skin in all the many places her underwear didn’t cover. What was wrong with her?! She was the captain of the cheerleading squad… Was she seriously about to put herself in a diaper?!

“It’s just a costume,” she told herself, pulling it up between her legs, taping it into place. She, obviously, didn’t have much experience doing that to herself, so it was awkward, sloppy… Which let it slide down her hips, exposing the top of her panties, letting anyone curious enough peek inside and see the underwear there.

That made her feel better, made it extra clear that what she’d just reminded herself of was true, and ensured that anyone who saw her would be aware of that, too. It still felt strange, having that extra bulk between her legs as she rustled through the rest of the bag’s contents, but she wasn’t worried about it, now that she was done with the toughest part. She clipped the pacifier leash onto the dress, pulled on the frilly ankle socks, and shiny Mary Janes, and tied her hair into a pair of childish ponytails with the pink ribbons, admiring herself in the mirror.

“That is one sexy baby,” she nodded approvingly, grabbing her purse and opened up her dorm room door, stepping out into…

The party.

At first, she was confused, trying to remember if her floormates had mentioned throwing a Halloween party, before realizing that, if they had, she definitely would have heard it. Then, she realized she wasn’t standing in the hall at all.

It probably should have hit her sooner, but it was so unexpected that it hadn’t even occurred to her that she could be anywhere else. It was somewhere else she spent a lot of time, as well, so it felt very familiar.

But how had she gotten to the workout space the squad used when it was too rainy or cold to work outside? And why was it decorated with the same baby shower decorations they’d bought for the party last year? She knew they were the same, because the one declaring, ‘It’s A Girl!’ in baby blocks was lopsided, Lottie having accidentally snapped the string holding two of the letters together and had to tape them together.

Kassidy frowned, looking around, eyes widening as she realized she was not, in fact, the only girl dressed in this costume… She could see most of her squad there, wearing their typical sexy Halloween costumes, but everyone else was dressed exactly the same as her. Perhaps she should have felt safety in numbers, though, instead, it made her feel more self-conscious… And much more worried about what was going on.

“Shelly!” she exclaimed, spotting the girl across the room. She was pretty sure she was in the same skimpy cat outfit she’d worn the year before, but she didn’t have time to ask about that now. “Shelly, what are you doing?!” she demanded. “If the dean finds out about this…!”

Shelly turned towards her with a smirk. “Are you seriously threatening to tell the dean?” she asked, examining Kassidy’s costume. “You’re never going to get into the squad that way, newbie… Just like you’ll never get in if you can’t put your costume on correctly. Are you too lazy to read the directions, or too stupid?”

“Shelly!” Kassidy gasped, shocked that her friend would speak to her that way… And a little impressed she had the guts. “What has gotten into…?”

“Here,” Shelly offered, reaching over, behind the spare decorations, and picking up a pair of scissors. “Let me help you.” She reached in past Kassidy’s loose, drooping diaper, sliding one blade of the scissors beneath the legband of her panties… And gave them a snip.

“Shelly! What the hell?!” Kassidy could hardly believe this was happening, the surprise keeping her from being able to react in time to keep Shelly from doing the same to the other side of her underwear, before yanking them out of the diaper.

“These,” Shelly held the ruined panties up, “are a big no-no. You’re lucky I don’t shove them into your mouth… But then there’d be no room for your paci.” She grabbed the pacifier dangling from its leash, slipping it into Kassidy’s gaping mouth. “So I’ll just put them where they belong instead,” Shelly said, tossing them into the garbage can.

Kassidy spat the pacifier out, fuming, the leash catching it and letting it dangle against her dress. “Shelly, don’t think I won’t kick you off the squad, you… Ouch!”

She was taken by surprise with a hard swat to her backside, and the pacifier’s much rougher return to her mouth. “You should really learn to do as you’re told,” Shelly informed her. “Or you’re not going to last long here, little girl.”

What was she talking about?! Kassidy reached up to take the pacifier back out, only to have her hand smacked this time. “Maybe you are just dumb,” Shelly mused. “Now lay down.” Before Kassidy could comply, Shelly had shoved her to the floor, pushing her onto her back, pinning her there. “I have a baby sister, so I have plenty of practice with this,” Shelly said. “Though she’s a lot less trouble than you.”

Kassidy squirmed helplessly as she watched her friend untape her diaper, readjusting it, tugging it taut, taping it snugly back into place. Kassidy’s eyes widened, feeling the garment’s full embrace for the first time, experiencing the padding gently rubbing against her privates as she wiggled, every move reminding her of what she was wearing.

“Let’s see…” Shelly looked down at her once she was finished, thinking for a moment before grabbing the miniature Sharpie she was wearing on a lanyard around her neck, the same one all the cheerleaders had worn the year before at the party, the reason they’d gone with the plain, white diapers, instead of some with a more babyish design.

“What are you doing, Shell?!” she squealed from behind her pacifier. “It’s me!”

“Yes, it is,” Shelly nodded, starting to write on Kassidy’s diaper. “And you are a lazy, disobedient, dumb little baby.”

Kassidy whimpered, seeing those last five words scrawled across her diaper as Shelly finally got off of her. She’d encouraged all of her cheerleaders to write whatever they didn’t like about the potential new recruits on their diaper, as a way to prepare them for the first activity… But why was Shelly doing it to her?! Why was it happening at all this year?! The team knew how much trouble they’d get in if they were caught again, and Kassidy had told it would be best if they didn’t throw a Halloween party at all this year…

Was this a coup? Were they doing this to try to get caught, so that she’d end up expelled, with the dean assuming it must have been her idea?! Maybe they’d told Susie to deliver that costume to her. But… If that was the case, why would they want her dressed like the newbies? That didn’t make it look like she was in charge at all…

Before she could demand an explanation from Shelly, a hush fell over the crowd as someone stepped to the front of the room. Kassidy saw her from the back first, saw the crown, the corset decorated with hearts, the short skirt, her head spinning as she remembered picking that out the year before, putting it on for the party… She was the head cheerleader, after all; why wouldn’t she be the Queen of Hearts?

Obviously, she wasn’t wearing it now, though… Was she?! She looked around at the party, realizing the rest of the squad was dressed in the same costumes as the previous year, that some of the ones missing, that had just joined after this party, were among the girls in diapers instead… Was this… the same party? Literally? Had she somehow gone back in time?! When the Queen of Hearts turned around… Would it be her?!

It wasn’t, although the truth was no less strange. “Welcome, my loyal subjects,” Susie declared, waving her scepter. “I see I have some new peasants who wish to join my court… Well, I guess we’ll see which of you is worthy after tonight. I suppose it’s time to begin.” She held out her scepter, one of the cheerleaders taking it, and replacing it with a large, wooden paddle, wicked-looking holes drilled up and down its length. “Let’s see… Why don’t we start with… you.”

She pointed the paddle right at Kassidy, the crowd parting around her, leaving her all alone, with no doubt that she was the one being beckoned. She swallowed, looking around, trying to will her squad to recognize her, to stop this… Or herself to wake up.

When she didn’t move, Shelly grabbed her by the arm, pulling her forward. “As you can see, your Majesty,” she said, giving a little curtsy, “she’s not very smart… Or obedient.”

“Indeed,” Susie nodded, looking at Kassidy’s diaper. “I think there’s one thing that’s been left off, though.” She called Shelly closer, took her marker, then bent down in front of Kassidy, writing one more word, bigger than all the rest, stepping back to admire her handiwork.

Kassidy glanced down, blushing at the sight of, ‘Bully’ scrawled across her diaper. Susie took her pacifier, plucking it out of her mouth. “Well, then,” she smirked. “What do you think? What punishment do you think you’ve earned?”

Kassidy’s eyes widened, staring down at the paddle, and around at the people staring at her, not seeming to know who she was, that she was meant to be the one in charge. She had been when this had really happened, after all… Which meant she knew exactly how this worked. Each of the girls had to decide how many spanks they deserved, based on what had been written about them on their diaper… And, if they under-estimated, she’d had plenty of other punishments to make them regret it…. None of which she wanted now, if that was what was in store for her…

“Well?” Susie raised an eyebrow. “We’re waiting…”

Kassidy still had no idea what was happening, but she knew she had to come up with some kind of answer. What would it be?! Did she want to play into this, or not? Should she play it safe, and go for a high number, so she knew nobody could argue with it, or try to sneak through with as few as possible? This all seemed impossible, though, if she was dreaming, maybe the spank would wake her up? If not, however, if this was somehow real, she didn’t want to go too crazy… Did she? She supposed there was only one way to find out…

But what was she going to say?!

“None! I’m the head cheerleader here, not you, which means I’m the one in charge!”

“This is stupid, but I guess I’ll take one, just to humor you.”

“Ten? Th-That seems fair, right?”

“I-If it please your Majesty, and her court, I will accept t-twenty-five spanks.”


Who will deliver the spanking?!

Susie herself?


Kassidy’s boyfriend?

Or Kassidy’s mother?

These decisions have already been made, but if you’d like to catch up on the story, and help decide where it goes next, you can find it, and other exclusive stories and captions, at my Patreon!

The Gift

The Gift

“Huh,” Amanda frowned, looking into the box she’d just opened. It certainly wasn’t what she’d imagined… Not that she’d really known what to expect in the first place. Of all the things for someone to send to a successful lawyer like her, however, a teddy bear was one of the last options she would have considered.

She tried to think back to her recent cases, trying to think if any of her clients had children, who might have wanted to thank her for getting their Mommy or Daddy off; that would make sense, she supposed. She looked at the label again, but it had been printed, giving her no hints from handwriting, with no return address whatsoever. She shrugged, glancing back down at the bear. It was cute, really, and she felt bad simply leaving it there in the box.

“What am I going to do with you?” she mused out loud, staring into its beady, black eyes. “I haven’t kept stuffed animals since I was in high school.”

No matter who had sent it to her, it wasn’t right to just throw it away… So immature a gift had to have come from a kid, she was convinced. Giving it away felt wrong, too, at least until she could figure out who the sender was. Taking it to her bedroom, however, it was absurdly out of place among her clean, elegant, expertly arranged decor, somehow, on its own, making it look like a child’s room, whether she placed it on her bedside table, or the bed itself.

After a minute or two of deliberation, she opened up her closet, ready to put it onto the shelf, where she’d only have to see it a couple times a day, at most, but seeing it there, alone, as she began to shut the door on it, she couldn’t help thinking of how lonely it looked.

“Are you serious?” she rolled her eyes at herself. It was an inanimate object, a doll! She could do anything she wanted to it, and she wasn’t going to hurt its feelings, because it didn’t have any!

And yet… Sighing, she pulled it back off the shelf, and set it at the head of her bed, where she didn’t think about it again until she was getting ready for bed later that night. She didn’t notice it when she walked into the room, or got undressed and into her PJs; it was only after she’d thrown back her covers to slip inside that she saw it, since it had been underneath them.

Odd… She’d just lain it on her pillow, hadn’t she? Obviously not, since it was a stuffed animal, so it couldn’t have moved on its own… She didn’t remember tucking it in, however, or why she would have ever bothered to do that. If she had seen it earlier, though, she probably would have chucked it back into the closet for the night, but now she was already in her pajamas, ready to go to bed… Lazily, she set it on her bedside table instead, got into bed, and told her Alexa, “Goodnight,” to have it turn off her lights.

Even before she was awake enough to tell Alexa, “Good morning,” she knew something was wrong. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but the longer she squirmed in her bed, frowning, the more obvious it was. After a minute or two, she bit the bullet and threw back her blankets… And found the giant wet spot surrounding her. She gasped, blushing, shaking her head, weirdly terrified her mother was going to find out and yell at her, even though she hadn’t lived with the woman in over a decade.

The teddy bear was still there, however, sitting on the table, watching her wrinkle her nose as she stared at herself, and the accident she’d had in her sleep, in horror. It wasn’t fair! She’d worked so hard to put a stop to this before she’d gone to college, knowing she’d never live it down if she was still a bedwetter at that age… How much worse was it now?! She hadn’t been drinking, wasn’t sick, was definitely not some dumb little kid… She was a fully grown adult! There was no excuse for this!

It was nearly all she could think about for the whole day, to the point where she wound up sending her staff home early, since she knew she wasn’t going to get anything done. She planned on going home, spending some time in a warm bath, with a glass of wine, trying her hardest to forget about it, to not let it shake her… When she got to her house, though, and went to her closet to find something comfortable to change into, she noticed something new.

Or, rather, something very old. She’d been flipping through her outfits, searching for the right thing, not satisfied with any of them… Only to freeze at the sight of her old, high school uniform, pressed nice and neat, hung up among her business suits, and her casual, grown-up clothes. She flinched, cheeks burning, hardly able to believe her eyes… Why did she have that?! Her mother had insisted she take one set with her to college, to have there ‘just in case’ she wasn’t able to get her laundry done before she ran out of real stuff to wear or whatever, but she’d definitely gotten rid of it years ago… Hadn’t she?

She was positive she remembered doing that, yet here it was, in all its conservative, childish glory. And, to make matters worse, when her eyes moved downwards, almost instinctively, she saw something else familiar on the floor of her closet, tucked away, as if she’d forgotten about it a long time ago as well… But these she knew she’d thrown away. She’d done it more than once… Even though she’d conquered her problem, her mother had made her take a pack of those to college, too, for the same reason, and then, when Amanda had made the mistake of admitting she’d tossed them out, the woman had sent her more.

Despite that, despite the memory of sneaking to the dumpster in the middle of the night after her roommate was asleep, twice, and praying she didn’t run into anyone on her way, they were back, waiting for her – a package of diapers. They were big and bulky and pure white, just like she remembered the ones her mother bought for her being, the kind that didn’t hide even the smallest of accidents, that would make any slip of her bladder public knowledge for anyone looking… They were open, too, half empty, as if she’d been using them all along, or as if they were the exact same pack she’d taken with her to college the first time, the leftovers from when she’d needed them…

“No way!” she shook her head, bending down to grab them, to toss them out… But there was a little voice, whispering in the back of her mind, reminding her of what she’d done the previous night. It might not be such a bad idea to have them… Just in case…



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